[Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 05/04/2018, 18:36

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

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- Per facilitare il lavoro di revisione, lasciate per ogni dialogo la versione originale. Esempio:
Ciao Twilight!
Pinkie Pie: Hi, Twilight!

Termini frequenti

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WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
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Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
  • Traduttori-subber (cioè chi subba direttamente ciò che traduce): 24 ore
  • Traduttori: 12 - Max 18 ore
  • Subber: fino alle 17 del lunedì successivo alla messa in onda


  • Mindstorm


  1. Mindstorm (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Fluttershy: Don't worry, Angel, I won't forget you.
    Fluttershy: [sighs] There's nothing so peaceful as a cuddly friends picnic.
    Rarity: Fluttershy!
    Fluttershy: Oh, goodness, Rarity! What's the matter?
    Rarity: Oh, the better question would be, "What isn't the matter?"
    Fluttershy: Oh, dear. Do you wanna have some lettuce and talk about it?
    Rarity: Uh... Oh! I would love to, darling, but I just don't have the time. The Canterlot Royal Fashion Show is practically upon us, and the cornerstone piece of my collection just isn't working!
    Fluttershy: Oh, that sounds serious.
    Rarity: Oh-ho-ho, it's serious. The entire collection is designed around it!
    Fluttershy: Do you need help knitting? I've started making tea cozies. It's an elephant.
    Rarity: Yes, well, I don't need help making clothes. Sassy Saddles is pitching in. Plus, I'll be pulling all three of my Manehattan assistants.
    Fluttershy: All three? Does that mean you'll have to close Rarity For You?
    Rarity: That's just it, darling. This is Manehattan's busiest shopping season, and I can't just close the shop. So I was hoping... you might consider running it?
    Fluttershy: Of course. I'm happy to help. Though I'm surprised you picked me.
    Rarity: Well, I may have asked a few others.
    Rainbow Dash: Sorry, but we've got a Wonderbolts show coming up.
    Pinkie Pie: Sorry, but it's pie season and the pie orders are piling up.
    Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, I've got a curriculum to make up.
    Applejack: Nope.
    Big McIntosh: Nnnope.
    Maud Pie: [deadpan] My calendar's packed, but I hear Fluttershy's free. And you haven't asked Boulder.
    Rarity: It doesn't matter who else I asked, because I couldn't be happier that you agreed to help!
    [theme song]Fluttershy: I think I forgot how big this shop was. How do you find anything?
    Rarity: Oh, darling, it's easy to track. The store is divided into sections – chic, classic, modern, sophisticated, avant-garde, traditional, and obtuse. And, of course, each section is divided by season, color, and price. It's a classic SCP system. Then it's just a little ringing ponies up...
    Rarity: ...a little fluff and fold... Voilà! But, of course, that's the easy part.
    Fluttershy: [gasps] It is?
    Rarity: Mm-hmm. As you well know, the real focus at Rarity For You is on the customer!
    Rarity: Care to give it a try?
    Fluttershy: Um, okay. [quietly] Hello. Um, welcome to Rarity For You. What can I help you with?
    Pursey Pink: I need something classic but modern. Something with drama but also understated.

  2. Laurel Crown (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Fluttershy: Um, aren't all those things opposites?
    Pursey Pink: Yes. So?
    Fluttershy: But how can I—?
    Pursey Pink: I'm sorry. Are you asking me how to do your job?
    Fluttershy: No! But I just, um—
    Rarity: If I may, I'm thinking noir-esque minimalist but with a twist. Perhaps a tapered hem.
    Pursey Pink: [gasps] It's like you read my mind! Are you a fashion psychic? [laughs]
    Rarity: Hmm. The inseams say, "Yes!"
    Fluttershy: Wow. You make it look so easy.
    Rarity: Oh, darling, come now. You've conquered your shyness a thousand times over. You can't let a few fashion ponies undo all that progress.
    Fluttershy: I guess not.
    Rarity: You simply must access your inner strength and allow it to shine through!
    Fluttershy: How?
    Rarity: Uh, daily affirmations? Meditation? Ooh! Power posing works wonders whenever I feel intimidated. Try these. Confident warrior! Gold medalist! Showpony!
    Rarity: [clears throat] Or... not.
    Blue Bobbin: We need to leave now if we're going to catch the train to Canterlot.
    Rarity: Oh, goodness, look at the time! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, go, go! I'm right behind you!
    Fluttershy: You're not gonna be here? In your work room?
    Rarity: But, darling, I simply can't. The fashion show is in Canterlot tomorrow, and I'll be up all night, even with the help of all of my assistants!
    Rarity: Well, not all my assistants.
    Fluttershy: Smoky! Softpad! Smoky Jr.!
    Rarity: Ever since you convinced me to let them live in the shop, these beastie sweeties have been nothing but helpful.
    Fluttershy: And I'm sure they'll help me let my inner strength shine through!
    Rarity: Oh, I wish I could stay and offer more help. [gasps] Why not try a new outfit? Think of it as the costume for your role as... Shop Pony! Ha ha! You know what they say – "clothes make the pony".
    Fluttershy: Um, who says that?
    Rarity: You know, "them". All right. I'm sure you and your furry friends will do just fine. Ta-ta!
    Fluttershy: [sighs] I hope she's right.
    Fluttershy: Whew. Here goes nothing.
    Fluttershy: Welcome to Rarity For You. What can I help you with?
    Bracer Britches: What's the thread count of this shirt? I can't be seen in anything less than a thousand.
    Fluttershy: Um, thread... count? Um... Well, I'm not sure. Let's see... Um, one, two, three, four...

  3. Roxas94
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Fluttershy: Um, excuse me for just one second. [pants]
    Fluttershy: Oh, I'm afraid I don't know much about fashion to satisfy these customers. What am I gonna do?
    Fluttershy: Oh, I've never tried to act before, but... I suppose it's worth a shot.
    Fluttershy: Severe but not unapproachable. Acceptable business attire. [normal voice] Oh, does that sound like a shop pony to you?
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] So sorry for the wait. The shop has some... staffing issues today.
    Bracer Britches: Yes, well, I still haven't had an answer on this thread count.
    Fluttershy: Here at Rarity For You, our merchandise defies typical attempts to quantify its quality, but rest assured, it will make you the envy of all who see it.
    Bracer Britches: Oh, in that case, I'll take three!
    Fluttershy: Smoky Jr., I can't believe it worked! I suppose clothes really do make the pony after all.
    Luckette: I don't know about you, but I have a full day of shopping planned. And if even one shop pony isn't up to my standards, well, I shall make my displeasure quite plain.
    Strawberry Ice: Oh, you are wicked! [laughing]
    Rarity: Canterlot fashion show or no, I simply can't leave Fluttershy to fend for herself with these Manehattanites.
    Bracer Britches: Rarity?
    Rarity: Oh, darling, I'm afraid I can't stop. Potential emergency at the boutique.
    Bracer Britches: Oh, well, whatever it is, I'm quite certain the pony you left in charge can handle it. Oh, she's simply divine!
    Rarity: Oh, well, I always knew Fluttershy had it in her. [laughs] And there's still time to catch the train to Canterlot!
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] It's an unique play on the old standard. We call it a Rarity cut with a triple-cut stitched hem and a guacamole chevka pattern fabric.
    Silver Berry: Don't you mean "chevron"?
    Fluttershy: If I had meant "chevron", then that's what I would've said.
    Silver Berry: [chuckles] Of course. It's so unique! So en vogue! It must be mine!
    Fluttershy: [normal voice] Aw, thanks, everyone. But I feel I should push the snootiness further.
    Fluttershy: If you really wanna help, I suppose serving tea would be nice. Oh, if you don't mind.
    Jeweled Pony: I like my accessories bold and shiny, and I'm just not seeing anything nearly bold and shiny enough.
    Fluttershy: I'm afraid bold and shiny won't work with your whole... modelle. Perhaps... pointy.
    Jeweled Pony: Pointy? Yes! I must have pointy!
    Fluttershy: Not everypony can pull off a found object, but you... nearly get there.
    Snooty: I need, like, a red carpet glitz-and-glamour gown that's also casual, but, like, still artsy and a total head-turner.
    Fluttershy: Yes. Casual chic pret-a-porter is very branché this season.
    Snooty Fashion Scenester: Uhhh... Like, I don't understand any of that, so, like... I don't care about it?
    Fluttershy: Um, one moment, please.

  4. Crax
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Fluttershy: [normal voice] Oh, I think I need a new character.
    Fluttershy: Okay, I've got, like, this high-key savage look for you? It's a totally live ensemble with a little, like, thingies that sparkle and make the whole squad go, "Whoa! That pony is 'woke'!"
    Snooty Fashion Scenester: That is, like, exactly what I need!
    Goth Pony: This store is a desperate wasteland of nothingness. Do you have anything in black?
    Fluttershy: [hipster voice] Can you, like, chill for one sec? BRB.
    Fluttershy: It's not like the futility of shopping can be made better with black leather and metal studs, but they help.
    Goth Pony: Uh.... that jacket completes me.
    Joan Pommelway: [spits] [British accent] This tea's, like, lukewarm. It's barely drinkable.
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] This tea must always be at a precise temperature! See that it doesn't happen again!
    Fluttershy: Whoa, that color is, like, almost too lit for you? [goth voice] The blackness of this vest is a reflection of your soul. This hemline is nothing short of an inspiration of craftsponyship. Are you sure you deserve it?
    Fluttershy: I don't know what's worse – that you spilled the tea or that it's still cold! Either get it right or go back to the forest!
    Fluttershy: Oh, it is so hard to find good help these days.
    Spike: Okay! Okay! Slow down, everyone! I'm doing my best!
    Spike: So, Rarity is busy at an important fashion show, and Fluttershy is running her shop in Manehattan, but to do it, she's playing different shop pony characters that are all mean?
    Twilight Sparkle: How in the world did you figure that out, Spike?
    Spike: I'm not Dragon Charades champion for nothin'!
    Twilight Sparkle: I can't imagine Fluttershy would ever be mean to her animal friends. This sounds serious. Spike, tell everyone it's time to head back to Saddle Row!
    Fluttershy: I wouldn't think it was possible to make something so dowdy even more matronly, but here you are. It's like a scream in the void, empty and ultimately meaningless. I would srsly help you right now, but, like, I don't wanna, you know?
    Twilight Sparkle: You weren't kidding. This is worse than we thought! She's being horrible to everypony!
    Applejack: Uh, are you sure that's even Fluttershy?
    Pinkie Pie: Maybe it's just three really, really fast ponies that really, really look like her!
    Rainbow Dash: Well, let's find out! Hey, Fluttershy? Are you running the shop or performing in a one-pony show?
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] If you don't mind, I can only improve the taste of one customer at a time. You'll have to wait your turn. Ugh, honestly! These small town ponies come to the big city and think they can behave any way they please!
    Rainbow Dash: What?! You are a small-town pony! And your cottage isn't even in the town!
    Applejack: Look, Fluttershy, we came here because we were worried and we care about you.
    Fluttershy: [goth voice, to Neigh Sayer] Let's get out of this aura of positivity before it consumes us.
    Pinkie Pie: As fun as this Fluttershy switcheroo game is, Smoky, Smoky Jr., and Softpad are really concerned.

  5. Clessidrus
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Spike: Yeah! They came all the way to Ponyville to get us.
    Fluttershy: [hipster voice] They should have, like, stayed there? The shop is, like, a no-rodent zone now.
    Pinkie Pie: She called them "rodents"?!
    Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, I understand why you think you have to act this way for these customers, but there's gotta be a better way.
    Fluttershy: Goodness! You are so right. Please, step this way so we may discuss your concerns.
    Twilight Sparkle: I knew you'd come to your senses!
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] Indeed.
    Rarity: Ugh, the centerpiece of my collection, and it's still not right! Oh, darling, I'm afraid we've literally run out of time. It's up to you! Go out there and sell it! Now, attitude!
    Rarity: I don't understand. When I left Fluttershy, she had everything well in hoof.
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, things might have seemed all right when you left, but they're definitely not all right now.
    Applejack: She's actin' worse than the worst Manehattanite I ever saw!
    Rainbow Dash: She kicked us out of the shop!
    Pinkie Pie: She called Smoky, Smoky Jr., and Softpad... "rodents"!
    Rarity: Wh-wh-wha... Rodents?! Well, why didn't you say that from the start?! She obviously needs help! Come on!
    Fluttershy: [goth voice] Your melancholy is way too shallow for a look with this much unfeeling depth.
    Fluttershy: Ugh! Your style isn't even on the same page? Turn away. Don't even look at it, okay?
    Snooty Fashion Scenester: [gasps] I can't even!
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] I think not, dear! This is all far too fashion forward for the likes of you!
    Bracer Britches: Ugh! Well, I never!
    Applejack: [sighs] Told ya it was bad.
    Rarity: Bad? This is worse than I could've possibly imagined!
    Fluttershy: Rarity! I'm so glad you're here! Finally, a pony who understands that the couture in this shop is far too brilliant to even consider selling!
    Rarity: Whaaat?!
    Fluttershy: [hipster voice] You, like, totally get how lame customers are? Ugh! [goth voice] Watching them leave filled me with a sweet sadness. [snooty voice] And you'll be pleased to hear that I've taken care of your rodent situation.
    Pinkie Pie: Will somebody tell her to stop saying that?!
    Rarity: That's it! Fluttershy, I'm afraid you've left me no choice! You are terminated!
    Fluttershy: [snooty voice] Well! Good luck replacing me! Humph!
    Rarity: [sighs] Well, thankfully I— [shrieks]
    Fluttershy: [goth voice] I always thought she was too controlling.
    Rarity: You— you— you are terminated, too!
    Fluttershy: [goth voice] Whatever.

  6. Teowolf82
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Rarity: Now, I— [shrieks]
    Fluttershy: [hipster voice] I know, right? I mean, uh, ugh?
    Rarity: Actually, you're, like, totally terminated as well!
    Fluttershy: [hipster voice] Like, okay.
    Rarity: [sighs] Well, I'm glad that's over— [shrieks]
    Fluttershy: [normal voice] I guess I owe everypony an apology.
    Rarity: [sighs] You think?
    Fluttershy: I got so caught up trying to please all of your customers that—
    Rainbow Dash: What customers?
    Fluttershy: I might have taken my salespony characters a little too far.
    Fluttershy: [to raccoons] I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. You know I was only pretending, right?
    Twilight Sparkle: But, Fluttershy, why did you think you needed to be somepony else to run the shop?
    Fluttershy: I guess acting like the ponies of Saddle Row gave me the confidence to interact with them.
    Rarity: Darling, I'd never trust some horrible Saddle Row pony to run my shop. That's why I wanted a friend to do it.
    Fluttershy: Well, I'd definitely rather be myself anyway, even if I don't exactly have what it takes to be a shop pony.
    Twilight Sparkle: I wouldn't sell yourself short. Those salespony characters all came from you!
    Rainbow Dash: Yeah! I think you totally have what it takes.
    Pinkie Pie: Maybe a little too much.
    Rarity: Indeed. You have all the inner strength you need, but I think we prefer it coming from our sweet, regular Fluttershy.
    Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle: [laughing]
    Rarity: And that's just given me the inspiration I'm looking for!
    Rarity: And last one... There! The missing piece for my new collection – the Warrior of Inner Strength!
    Pony: Oh, gorgeous!
    Fluttershy: Oh, it's lovely, Rarity! I'm just sorry you had to leave the Canterlot Royal Fashion Show early.
    Rarity: Oh, darling, making the perfect dress is scads more satisfying than showing it off.
    Blueberry Curls: Ooh, striking dress, Rarity. I certainly hope you aren't trying to undercut the Royal Fashion Show by ducking out and debuting it here.
    Rarity: What? No, I—
    Fluttershy: Have you considered the possibility that the Royal Fashion Show is trying to undercut Rarity's by continuing on in Canterlot and not moving the whole affair here?! Hmm?! Have you?! Hmmm?!
    Blueberry Curls: I, uh... No.
    Fluttershy: Hmph! Just as I thought! Hmmm!
    Fluttershy: [to Rarity] Oh! [giggles] Inner strength.



  • Laura Scratch
  • Mindstorm
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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 05/04/2018, 18:40

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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 05/04/2018, 20:59

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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Crax » 06/04/2018, 19:12

Mi candido per tradurre (olè)
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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 08/04/2018, 15:39

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Um, mi scusi un momento.
Fluttershy: Um, excuse me for just one second. [pants]

Oh, temo di non saperne abbastanza di moda per soddisfare questi clienti. Cosa posso fare?
Fluttershy: Oh, I'm afraid I don't know much about fashion to satisfy these customers. What am I gonna do?

Oh, non ho mai provato a recitare, ma... credo che valga un tentativo.
Fluttershy: Oh, I've never tried to act before, but... I suppose it's worth a shot.

Severo ma non inavvicinabile. Un accettabile abito da affari. Oh, sembro una commessa secondo voi?
Fluttershy: Severe but not unapproachable. Acceptable business attire. [normal voice] Oh, does that sound like a shop pony to you?

Scusate per l’attesa. Oggi il negozio ha qualche... problema con il personale.
Fluttershy: [snooty voice] So sorry for the wait. The shop has some... staffing issues today.

Si, beh, non ho ancora ricevuto una risposta su questo tessuto.
Bracer Britches: Yes, well, I still haven't had an answer on this thread count.

Qui al Rarity For You, la nostra merce è un affronto ai tipici tentativi di quantificare la sua qualità, ma stia sicuro, la renderà l’invidia di chiunque la veda.
Fluttershy: Here at Rarity For You, our merchandise defies typical attempts to quantify its quality, but rest assured, it will make you the envy of all who see it.

Oh, in tal caso, ne prendo tre!
Bracer Britches: Oh, in that case, I'll take three!

Smoky jr., non riesco a credere che abbia funzionato! Suppongo che gli abiti facciano davvero i pony dopotutto.
Fluttershy: Smoky Jr., I can't believe it worked! I suppose clothes really do make the pony after all.

Non so te, ma ho in programma un’intera giornata di shopping. E se anche un solo commesso non rientrerà nei miei standard, beh, renderò il mio disappunto molto evidente.
Luckette: I don't know about you, but I have a full day of shopping planned. And if even one shop pony isn't up to my standards, well, I shall make my displeasure quite plain.

Oh, sei malvagia!
Strawberry Ice: Oh, you are wicked! [laughing]

Sfilata di moda di Canterlot o meno, non posso semplicemente lasciare Fluttershy da sola con questi Manehattiani.
Rarity: Canterlot fashion show or no, I simply can't leave Fluttershy to fend for herself with these Manehattanites. 

Bracer Britches: Rarity?

Oh, caro, temo di non potermi fermare. Potenziale emergenza alla boutique.
Rarity: Oh, darling, I'm afraid I can't stop. Potential emergency at the boutique.

Oh, Beh, qualsiasi cosa sia, sono sicura che il pony che hai lasciato in carica saprà gestirla. Oh, è semplicemente divina!
Bracer Britches: Oh, well, whatever it is, I'm quite certain the pony you left in charge can handle it. Oh, she's simply divine!

Oh, beh , ho sempre saputo che Fluttershy l’aveva in sé. E c’è ancora tempo per prendere il treno per Canterlot!
Rarity: Oh, well, I always knew Fluttershy had it in her. [laughs] And there's still time to catch the train to Canterlot!

È un originale gioco sul vecchio standard. Lo chiamiamo taglio alla Rarity con attaccata una merlatura con triplice taglio e un motivo alla guacamole chevka.
Fluttershy: [snooty voice] It's an unique play on the old standard. We call it a Rarity cut with a triple-cut stitched hem and a guacamole chevka pattern fabric.

Vuoi dire “chevron”?
Silver Berry: Don't you mean "chevron"?

Se avessi voluto dire “chevron”, allora lo avrei detto.
Fluttershy: If I had meant "chevron", then that's what I would've said.

Certamente. È così unico! Così in voga! Dev’essere mio!
Silver Berry: [chuckles] Of course. It's so unique! So en vogue! It must be mine!

Aw, grazie a tutti. Ma credo che dovrei aumentare lo snobismo.
Fluttershy: [normal voice] Aw, thanks, everyone. But I feel I should push the snootiness further.

Se proprio volete aiutare, credo sarebbe carino se serviste il tè. Oh, se non vi dispiace.
Fluttershy: If you really wanna help, I suppose serving tea would be nice. Oh, if you don't mind.

Gli accessori mi piacciono audaci e scintillanti, e non riesco a vedere nulla di audace e scintillante a sufficienza.
Jeweled Pony: I like my accessories bold and shiny, and I'm just not seeing anything nearly bold and shiny enough.

Temo che audace e scintillante non funzionino sulla vostra... figura. Forse... Appuntito.
Fluttershy: I'm afraid bold and shiny won't work with your whole... modelle. Perhaps... pointy.

Appuntito? Si! Devo avere gli appuntiti!
Jeweled Pony: Pointy? Yes! I must have pointy!

Non tutti possono tirar fuori un oggetto trovato, ma lei... ci è andata vicino.
Fluttershy: Not everypony can pull off a found object, but you... nearly get there.

Mi serve, tipo, un vestito glitz-and-glamour da tappeto rosso che sia anche casual, ma, tipo, pure creativo e che non passi inosservato.
Snooty: I need, like, a red carpet glitz-and-glamour gown that's also casual, but, like, still artsy and a total head-turner.

Si. Casual chic prêt-a-porter è molto popolare questa stagione.
Fluttershy: Yes. Casual chic pret-a-porter is very branché this season.

Uhhh… Tipo, non capisco nulla di quello, quindi, tipo… non me ne importa?
Snooty Fashion Scenester: Uhhh... Like, I don't understand any of that, so, like... I don't care about it?

Um, un momento, per favore.
Fluttershy: Um, one moment, please.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda TeoWolf82 » 08/04/2018, 17:00

Ecco fatto!

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Ora, io-
Rarity: Now, I— [shrieks]

Lo so, giusto? Voglio dire, io, ah, ugh?
Fluttershy: [hipster voice] I know, right? I mean, uh, ugh?

A dire il vero, tu sei, tipo, altrettanto completamente eliminata!
Rarity: Actually, you're, like, totally terminated as well!

Come, va bene.
Fluttershy: [hipster voice] Like, okay.

Bene, sono lieta che sia finita-
Rarity: [sighs] Well, I'm glad that's over— [shrieks]

Immagino che devo a tutte una scusa.
Fluttershy: [normal voice] I guess I owe everypony an apology.

Tu pensi?
Rarity: [sighs] You think?

Sono stata talmente presa nel cercare di compiacere tutti i tuoi clienti che-
Fluttershy: I got so caught up trying to please all of your customers that—

Quali clienti?
Rainbow Dash: What customers?

Potrei aver spinto le mie personalità da commessa un poco troppo oltre.
Fluttershy: I might have taken my salespony characters a little too far.

Mi spiace se ho ferito i vostri sentimenti. Lo sapete che stavo solo recitando, vero?
Fluttershy: [to raccoons] I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. You know I was only pretending, right?

Ma, Fluttershy, perché hai pensato di aver bisogno di essere qualcun’altra per gestire il negozio?
Twilight Sparkle: But, Fluttershy, why did you think you needed to be somepony else to run the shop?

Ho immaginato che atteggiarmi come i pony di Saddle Row mi desse la confidenza per interagire con loro.
Fluttershy: I guess acting like the ponies of Saddle Row gave me the confidence to interact with them.

Tesoro, Non affiderei mai a qualche orribile pony di Saddle Row di gestire il mio negozio. Per questo volevo che fosse un’amica a farlo.
Rarity: Darling, I'd never trust some horrible Saddle Row pony to run my shop. That's why I wanted a friend to do it.

Bene, decisamente preferisco essere me stessa comunque, anche se non ho esattamente quel che occorre per essere una commessa.
Fluttershy: Well, I'd definitely rather be myself anyway, even if I don't exactly have what it takes to be a shop pony.

Non ti dovresti sottovalutare cosi in fretta. Quelle personalità da commessa venivano tutte da te!
Twilight Sparkle: I wouldn't sell yourself short. Those salespony characters all came from you!

Già! Penso che tu abbia decisamente quel che occorre.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah! I think you totally have what it takes.

Forse anche un pochino troppo.
Pinkie Pie: Maybe a little too much.

In effetti. Tu hai tutta la forza interiore (di carattere) che ti occorre, ma penso che preferiamo arriva dalla nostra dolce, solita Fluttershy.
Rarity: Indeed. You have all the inner strength you need, but I think we prefer it coming from our sweet, regular Fluttershy.

E quella mi ha dato proprio l’ispirazione che stavo cercando!
Rarity: And that's just given me the inspiration I'm looking for!

E l’ultimo... qui! Il pezzo mancante per la mia nuova collezione – la Guerriera della Forza Interiore!
Rarity: And last one... There! The missing piece for my new collection – the Warrior of Inner Strength!

Oh, meraviglioso!
Pony: Oh, gorgeous!

Oh, non è incantevole, Rarity! Mi dispiace solo che tu abbia dovuto lasciare la Sfilata della Moda Reale di Canterlot in anticipo.
Fluttershy: Oh, it's lovely, Rarity! I'm just sorry you had to leave the Canterlot Royal Fashion Show early.

Oh, tesoro, creare l’abito perfetto è un sacco più soddisfacente che esibirlo.
Rarity: Oh, darling, making the perfect dress is scads more satisfying than showing it off.

Ooh, abito incantevole, Rarity. Ceramente spero tu non stia cercando di sminuire la Sfilata della Moda Reale ignorandola e facendolo debuttare qui.
Blueberry Curls: Ooh, striking dress, Rarity. I certainly hope you aren't trying to undercut the Royal Fashion Show by ducking out and debuting it here.

Cosa? No, io-
Rarity: What? No, I—

Hai mai considerato la possibilità che a Sfilata della Moda Reale stia tentando di togliere prestigio a Rarity continuando in Canterlot e non spostandosiinteramente qui?! Hmm?! L’hai fatto?! Hmmm?!
Fluttershy: Have you considered the possibility that the Royal Fashion Show is trying to undercut Rarity's by continuing on in Canterlot and not moving the whole affair here?! Hmm?! Have you?! Hmmm?!

Io, uh... No.
Blueberry Curls: I, uh... No.

Hmph! Proprio come pensavo! Hmmm!
Fluttershy: Hmph! Just as I thought! Hmmm!

Oh! Forza Interiore.
Fluttershy: [to Rarity] Oh! [giggles] Inner strength.
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Iscritto il: 05/05/2012, 2:08
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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Clessidrus » 08/04/2018, 17:21

Parte consegnata ^_^
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Sì! Sono venuti fino a Ponyville per portarci qui.
Spike: Yeah! They came all the way to Ponyville to get us.

Sarebbero dovuti,tipo, rimanere lì? Il negozio adesso è, tipo, un zona non-roditore.
Fluttershy:They should have, like, stayed there? The shop is, like, a no-rodent zone now.

Li hai chiamati "roditori"?!
Pinkie Pie: She called them "rodents"?!

Fluttershy, capisco perché pensi di dover agire in questo modo per questi clienti, ma dev'esserci un modo migliore.
Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, I understand why you think you have to act this way for these customers, but there's gotta be a better way.

Oh cielo! Hai così ragione. Prego, da questa parte così possiamo discutere delle vostre preoccupazioni.
Fluttershy: Goodness! You are so right. Please, step this way so we may discuss your concerns.

Sapevo che saresti tornato in te!
Twilight Sparkle: I knew you'd come to your senses!

Ma certo.
Fluttershy: Indeed.

Ugh, il fulcro della mia collezione, e non è ancora non va bene! Oh, tesoro, ho paura che siamo letteralmente a corto di tempo. Tocca a te! Va là fuori e vendilo! Ora, atteggiamento!
Rarity: Ugh, the centerpiece of my collection, and it's still not right! Oh, darling, I'm afraid we've literally run out of time. It's up to you! Go out there and sell it! Now, attitude!

Io non capisco. Quando lasciai Fluttershy, aveva tutto sotto controllo.
Rarity: I don't understand. When I left Fluttershy, she had everything well in hoof.

Beh, le cose sarebbero andate bene quando te ne sei andata, ma sicuramente ora non stanno andando bene.
Twilight Sparkle: Well, things might have seemed all right when you left, but they're definitely not all right now.

Si sta atteggiando peggio del peggior abitante di Manehattan che abbia mai visto!
Applejack: She's actin' worse than the worst Manehattanite I ever saw!

Ci ha cacciate fuori dal negozio!
Rainbow Dash: She kicked us out of the shop!

Ha chiamato Smoky, Smoky Jr., e Softpad... "roditori"!
Pinkie Pie: She called Smoky, Smoky Jr., and Softpad... "rodents"!

C-c-cos...Roditori?! Beh, perché non l'avete detto fin dall'inizio ?! Ovviamente ha bisogno di aiuto! Andiamo!
Rarity: Wh-wh-wha... Rodents?! Well, why didn't you say that from the start?! She obviously needs help! Come on!

La tua malinconia è troppo superficiale per dargli uno sguardo con così tanta profondità insensibile.
Fluttershy: Your melancholy is way too shallow for a look with this much unfeeling depth.

Il tuo stile non è nemmeno sulla stessa frequenza? Allontanati. Non guardarlo nemmeno, ok?
Fluttershy: Ugh! Your style isn't even on the same page? Turn away. Don't even look at it, okay?

Non posso nemmeno!
Snooty Fashion Scenester: I can't even!

Non penso proprio, caro! Questo è tutto troppo fashion per quelli come te!
Fluttershy: I think not, dear! This is all far too fashion forward for the likes of you!

Ugh! Roba da matti!
Bracer Britches: Ugh! Well, I never!

Te l'avevamo detto che era grave.
Applejack: Told ya it was bad.

Grave? Questo è peggio di quanto avrei potuto immaginare!
Rarity: Bad? This is worse than I could've possibly imagined!

Rarity! Sono così felice che tu sia qui! Finalmente un pony che capisce che l'alta moda in questo negozio è fin troppo brillante per prendere in considerazione persino la vendita!
Fluttershy: Rarity! I'm so glad you're here! Finally, a pony who understands that the couture in this shop is far too brilliant to even consider selling!

Rarity: Whaaat?!

Tu, cioè, hai capito quanto sono patetici i clienti? Ugh! Guardandoli andarsene via mi ha riempito di una dolce tristezza. E sarai felice di sapere che mi sono presa cura della tua situazione dei roditori.
Fluttershy: You, like, totally get how lame customers are? Ugh! Watching them leave filled me with a sweet sadness. And you'll be pleased to hear that I've taken care of your rodent situation.

Qualcuno le dirà di smettere di dirlo?!
Pinkie Pie: Will somebody tell her to stop saying that?!

Basta! Fluttershy, temo che tu non mi abbia lasciato altra scelta! Sei licenziata!
Rarity: That's it! Fluttershy, I'm afraid you've left me no choice! You are terminated!

Beh, buona fortuna nel rimpazziarmi! Humph!
Fluttershy: Well! Good luck replacing me! Humph!

Beh, fortunatamente io-
Rarity: Well, thankfully I—

Ho sempre pensato che avesse tutto sotto controllo
Fluttershy: [goth voice] I always thought she was too controlling.

 A-a-anche tu sei licenziata!
Rarity: You— you— you are terminated, too!

Come vuoi
Fluttershy: Whatever.
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Re: [Coordinamento] 8x4 - Fake It 'Til You Make It

Messaggioda Crax » 08/04/2018, 18:15


Oh, ho bisogno di un un altro personaggio.
Oh, I think I need a new character.

Okay, ho, tipo, questo stile selvaggio dai toni molto chiari per te? è un completo molto vivo con delle,
tipo, cosucce che sbrilluccicano e urlano qualcosa del tipo "Wow! Questo pony è fico!"
Okay, I've got, like, this high-key savage look for you? It's a totally live ensemble with a little,
like, thingies that sparkle and make the whole squad go, "Whoa! That pony is 'woke'!"

è, tipo, precisamente quello che cercavo!
That is, like, exactly what I need!

Questo negozio è una desolata terra piena di nulla. Hai qualcosa in nero?
This store is a desperate wasteland of nothingness. Do you have anything in black?

Puoi, tipo, chillare un attimo? Aspetta un sec.
Can you, like, chill for one sec? BRB.

Borchie di metallo e piume nere non riusciranno a
rendere meno noioso il fare shopping, ma di certo aiutano.
It's not like the futility of shopping can be made better with black leather and metal studs, but they help.

Uh... Questa giacca mi completa.
Uh.... that jacket completes me.

Questo thè è, uhm, tiepido. è a malapena bevibile.
This tea's, like, lukewarm. It's barely drinkable.

Il thé deve avere una temperatura precisa! Assicuratevi che non accada di nuovo!
This tea must always be at a precise temperature! See that it doesn't happen again!

Wow, questo colore è, tipo, quasi troppo acceso per te?
L'oscurità di questo vestito è un riflesso della tua anima.
L'orlo di questa gonna è frutto di tanto lavoro eseguito con assoluta maestria.
Sei sicura di meritartelo?
Whoa, that color is, like, almost too lit for you? [goth voice] The blackness of this vest is a reflection
of your soul. This hemline is nothing short of an inspiration of craftsponyship.
Are you sure you deserve it?

Non capisco cosa sia peggio, che abbiate fatto travasare il thè o che sia ancora freddo!
In ogni caso, datevi una regolata o tornatevene nella foresta!
I don't know what's worse – that you spilled the tea or that it's still cold! Either get it right or go back to the forest!

Oh, trovare personale qualificato è così difficile di questi tempi.
Oh, it is so hard to find good help these days.

Okay, Okay! Rallentate un momento! Sto cercando di fare del mio meglio!
Okay! Okay! Slow down, everyone! I'm doing my best!

Quindi, Rarity è impegnata ad una mostra molto importante, e ha incaricato Fluttershy di gestire
il suo negozio a Manehattan, ma per farlo sta impersonando diversi personaggi, tutti odiosi?
So, Rarity is busy at an important fashion show, and Fluttershy is running her shop in Manehattan,
but to do it, she's playing different shop pony characters that are all mean?

Come diamine hai fatto a capirli, Spike?
How in the world did you figure that out, Spike?

Ci sarà un motivo se sono il campione della sciarada dei draghi![https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sciarada]
I'm not Dragon Charades champion for nothin'!

Mi sembra impossibile che Fluttershy sia odiosa nei confronti dei suoi amici animali.
Sembra una situazione seria. Spike, avvisa tutti che è ora di tornare a Saddle Row!
I can't imagine Fluttershy would ever be mean to her animal friends. This sounds serious. Spike,
tell everyone it's time to head back to Saddle Row!

Non credevo fosse possibile sembrare così scialbo e vecchio, ma eccoti quì.
è come un urlo nel nulla, vuoto e infine senza significato.
Vorrei davvero aiutarti, ma, tipo, non voglio, capisci?
I wouldn't think it was possible to make something so dowdy even more matronly, but here you are.
It's like a scream in the void, empty and ultimately meaningless.
I would srsly help you right now, but, like, I don't wanna, you know?

Non stavate scherzando. è anche peggio di quel che pensassimo! è orribile con tutti!
You weren't kidding. This is worse than we thought! She's being horrible to everypony!

Uhm, siamo sicuri che sia Fluttershy?
Uh, are you sure that's even Fluttershy?

Magari sono solo tre pony molto, molto veloci che assomigliano tanto, tanto a lei!
Maybe it's just three really, really fast ponies that really, really look like her!

Beh, c'è solo un modo per scoprirlo. Hey, Fluttershy? Stai gestendo il negozio o recitando in uno spettacolo?
Well, let's find out! Hey, Fluttershy? Are you running the shop or performing in a one-pony show?

Se non ti dispiace, posso solo gestire un cliente alla volta. [Si, la frase non è per nulla così, ma il senso è quello]
Aspetta il tuo turno.
Ugh, sinceramente! Questi pony di paese vengono nelle grandi città e credono di poter comportarsi come vogliono.
If you don't mind, I can only improve the taste of one customer at a time. You'll have to wait your turn.
Ugh, honestly! These small town ponies come to the big city and think they can behave any way they please!

Cosa!? Anche tu sei di paese! E il tuo cottage non ci sta neanche in paese!
Rainbow Dash: What?! You are a small-town pony! And your cottage isn't even in the town!

Ascolta, Fluttershy, siamo venute quì perché siamo preoccupate e ti teniamo a cuore.
Look, Fluttershy, we came here because we were worried and we care about you.

Spostiamoci da questa aura di positività prima che ci consumi.
Let's get out of this aura of positivity before it consumes us.

Anche se il tuo giochino degli scambi è divertente, Smoky, Smoky Jr. e Softpad sono davvero preoccupati.
As fun as this Fluttershy switcheroo game is, Smoky, Smoky Jr., and Softpad are really concerned.
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Iscritto il: 03/04/2014, 23:04
Pony preferito: Fluttershy
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