[Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Area dedicata in cui il gruppo Traduttori CMC-What The Buck! si organizza per il lavoro sugli episodi di FiM e della serie Equestria Girls.

Moderatore: Mindstorm

[Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Mindstorm » 06/11/2017, 17:09

Le linee guida alla traduzione sono consultabili qui: REGOLAMENTO & LINEE GUIDA TRADUTTORI

Termini frequenti

Dizionari on-line
Reverso Context Traduttore parole e frasi
WordReference Dizionario Inglese-italiano
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English Dizionario Americano
Oxford Dictionaries Dizionario Inglese
Urbandictionary Dizionario sullo Slang AngloAmericano
Idioms Yourdictionary Dizionario sui modi di dire AngloAmericani

Tempi di consegna (dall'assegnazione delle parti):
Vista la mole di lavoro, cerchiamo di completare i sub entro la fine del mese.


  • Mindstorm


  • Mindstorm (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie!
    Pinkie Pie: Oopsie! Guess my easy bake confetti cake cannon needs a little bit more fine tuning!
    Code Red: Songbird Serenade? Is it really her? It is, it is!
    Songbird Serenade: Hiya. I'm lookin' for the pony in charge?
    Songbird Serenade: I need to set up for my sound check.
    Twilight Sparkle: Uh, Songbird Serenade? Um, I was just going to check on you. I'm Princess Twilight, and sorry about the mess. I'm usually not so...
    Songbird Serenade: Caked in cake?
    Twilight Sparkle: Heh heh.
    Songbird Serenade's Agent: You have visual on buttercream?
    Songbird Serenade's Bodyguard: Visual confirmed. Go for cleanup.
    Twilight Sparkle: Storm clouds? I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!
    Rainbow Dash: I... don't think those are storm clouds.
    Pinkie Pie: Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!
    Pinkie Pie: ...Or definitely not the clowns I ordered.
    Party Favor: Brian, no!
    Grubber: Ponieth of Equethtria, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty...Thtorm King!
    Grubber: And now, to deliver the evil, evil methage, put your hooveth together for Commander Tempeeeetht!
    Twilight Sparkle: Is that a... unicorn?
    Spike: I think so, but what happened to her horn?
    Princess Celestia: "Tempest" is it? How may we help you?
    Tempest Shadow: Oh, I'm so glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender?
    Twilight Sparkle: Hi there. Princess of Friendship. Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out.
    Tempest Shadow: Oh, goody. All four Princesses. Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!
    Princess Luna: And why should we cower before you? There's one of you and hundreds of us.
    Tempest Shadow: I was hoping you'd choose "difficult".
    Princess Celestia: Cadance!
    Princess Cadance: I can't... stop it!
    Princess Celestia: Luna, quick! Go south beyond the Badlands!
    Princess Celestia: Seek help from the Queen of the Hippo—
    Twilight Sparkle: Luna!
    Rainbow Dash: Twilight!
    Tempest Shadow: Easy as pie.
    Grubber: Oh, I love pie. Oh, you totally got the latht Printheth!
    Tempest Shadow: That's not the Princess! Grubber, get her now!
    Grubber: Guyth, we gotta get the Princess!
    Applejack: Over here, y'all!
    Twilight Sparkle: Come on!
    Grubber: Which one of you guyth ith goin' down there?
    Grubber: I would, but I jutht had a hearty meal, and I will think and I will thide-cramp. I'm very big-boned. I think quick.
    Applejack: Everypony okay?
    Rarity: I think my bottom's on backward.
    Pinkie Pie: We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!
    Rainbow Dash: We gotta go back there and fight!
    Spike: Well, you saw the size of those goons. You seriously wanna go back?
    Applejack: So now what? We can't hide here forever. And let's be honest, we can't go back. Look at what they did to the Princesses. We gotta keep 'em away from Twilight.
    Twilight Sparkle: The Queen.
    Pinkie Pie: Yeah, the Queen! Uh, what queen?
    Twilight Sparkle: Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the... "Hippos". Luna can't, so I have to.
    Rainbow Dash: Uh, hippos? Seriously?
    Pinkie Pie: I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size. Huh, but they're always hungry.
    Spike: Hungry?
    Applejack: Hippos?
    Twilight Sparkle: They're somewhere south, past the Badlands.
    Fluttershy: That means we'll have to... leave Equestria. Oh!
    Rarity: I'm not even packed!
    Twilight Sparkle: I understand you're scared, and nopony else has to go. But I have to find this queen. She might be our only hope.
    Rainbow Dash: Well, you're not getting all the glory. We're in this together.
    Applejack: We got your back.
    Pinkie Pie: Indeedy!
    Rarity: I am ready to save Equestria!
    Fluttershy: Yay.
    Spike: We're all behind you, Twilight.
    Pinkie Pie: Let's go find this hippo!
    Spike: Uh, south?
    Pinkie Pie: Anypony up for a game of "I Spy"?
    Pinkie Pie: No, really! Come on! I spy with my little eye something that is orange. No takers? It's you, Applejack!
    Tempest Shadow: All this power wasted on parties when there are far greater uses.

  • Laura Scratch (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Tempest Shadow: Well? Answer it!
    The Storm King: Where am I supposed to be looking? I never understand how this spell works. Tempest!
    Tempest Shadow: Over here, Your Excellency.
    The Storm King: Where?
    Tempest Shadow: Over here.
    Tempest Shadow: No. No, right. Look right.
    The Storm King: My right?
    Tempest Shadow: Yep.
    The Storm King: Oh. There you are. Here's the deal. I'm in the middle of a big re-brand here. "The Storm King" is tracking well as "intensely intimidating", but you know what? I need to back it up. You know what I need to back it up with? A storm! That would be great! You promised me magic that could control the elements, and right now, I'm holding a what? A branch. A twig.
    Tempest Shadow: Uh, that would be the Staff of Sacanas, Your Excellency, and it will...
    Tempest Shadow: ...channel the magic of the four rulers of this land.
    Tempest Shadow: You'll soon have the power of a hundred armies.
    The Storm King: So that would be a yes on your locking down the four Pegacornicuseses, or whatever you call them?
    Tempest Shadow: Give me three days. I'll have everything ready for your arrival.
    The Storm King: Remember, Tempest. Only I have the power to make you whole. Make this twig work, and you'll get your reward. Fail me, and your horn won't be the only thing that's broken.
    Tempest Shadow: It won't be a problem.
    The Storm King: Great! I'm ready to power up, crash and bash, and be the biggest, baddest bugaloooooo...
    Grubber: Thorry, bad thpell thervice. You want me to call him back?
    Tempest Shadow: Do you have the Princess?
    Grubber: Well, uh, funny thtory. It kinda theemth like she... she might've like, you know, got away... a little bit. I know you're dithappointed, but I got one word for you: "thpongecake".
    Tempest Shadow: I need all four for the staff to work.
    Grubber: Hey, I know! I want the Thtorm King to fix that crazy horn as badly as you do. It lookth like a crackly chipped tooth on the top of your head. And you know you don't look good in hatth.
    Tempest Shadow: That Princess is not gonna keep me from getting my horn back! Prepare my ship!
    Tempest Shadow: Please. How far could one little pony get on her own?
    Pinkie Pie: There's sand in my... everything... Heh... Saving... Equestria... Oh! Look! Maybe this guy knows which way to go! What's that, friend? We're lost?
    Spike: We could be going in... circles! Endless... sand... Nothin' for miles... but sand... and this rock... and this cactus... and this road...this road...
    Twilight Sparkle: A road? Where there's a road, there's a...
    Rainbow Dash: Cool!
    Applejack: What is that?
    Pinkie Pie: Oooh! A city! We are doing it, you guys!
    Rarity: You know what they say: where there's a city, there's a spa!
    Rainbow Dash: Who says that?
    Applejack: 'Case you forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria.
    Rarity: I can multitask.
    Pig Creature 1: Don't worry, little one, we'll let ya go!
    Pig Creature 2: To the highest bidder!
    Pig Creature 1: Nice!
    Vendor 1: Hey! You with the horn, you selling?
    Twilight Sparkle: Hi there! I'm sorry. Here. Lemme help you with that.
    Pushkin: Hey! No magic around my merchandise!
    Capper: Very interesting...
    Twilight Sparkle: Okay. We just gotta stick together. Be careful who you talk to. And try to blend in.
    Pinkie Pie: Can I have your attention please?!
    Pinkie Pie: Can anypony take us to the Queen of the Hippos?!
    Fish Creature: You want something? You gotta give something!
    Pinkie Pie: Well, how about a big warm hug from a grateful pony friend?
    Pinkie Pie: How about this comb that I've never used? A picture of my sister Maud? This breath mint? Seriously, buddy. Help me help you.
    Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, you can't just take off! And you don't need to announce to every...
    Pinkie Pie: Relax, Twilight! I totally got this!
    Louise: How much for the giant gecko?
    Spike: Who you callin' a gecko?
    Twilight Sparkle: Uh, Spike isn't for sale.
    Vera: I want that fancy purple hair! I'll give ya two storm bucks for it!
    Rarity: Two storm bucks?! It's worth more than that!
    Deer Creature: Gimme that pink one!
    Pig Creature 1: I'll take the blue one!
    Pig Creature 2: No! I want the blue one!
    Louise: I need that lizard!
    Creature 1: I'll take that picture of your sister!
    Deer Creature: I want all seven for my collection!
    Capper: Back up, everyone! Back it up! Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with "pastelis coloritis".

  • Laurel Crown (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Applejack: Now, you listen here, fella, there ain't—
    Capper: Don't worry, don't worry, as long as you're not covered in purple splotches, you'll be fine.
    Fish Creature: What do I do?!
    Capper: Enjoy your last moments and don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off.
    Fish Creature: Me parts!
    Capper: Well, all right.
    Rainbow Dash: You are awesome!
    Rarity: And quite charming.
    Capper: Capper's the name. Charming's my game. So... to the Hippos, then?
    Twilight Sparkle: I don't know if we should trust him.
    Pinkie Pie: We could definitely use a friend out here!
    Capper: You know what? Little Cotton Candy Hair is right. And, if I do say so myself..
    This town is not a nice place
    For little fillies all alone
    There are lots of twists and corners
    That could lead to the unknown
    Let me guide your way
    And I'll be sure to help you through
    You could really use a friend out here
    And luckily for you...
    I'm the friend that you need
    When you're lost and don't know what to do
    I'm your pal, your amigo
    Useful and resourceful, too
    And my help, you'll concede
    Is a plus guaranteed
    You can call and I'll come running
    Just follow my lead
    'Cause I'm the friend you need!
    [Earnest Klugetowner recolor]He's a friend
    Scaly Klugetowner: Quite a friend!
    [Klugetowners]He's a friend indeed!
    [Capper]You need a bud to spot the danger
    A pal to stop the creep
    A chum and not a stranger to assist
    You need a bro who is cunning
    That can help you take the leap
    A friend who knows what's lying in the mist
    Don't fear these darkened alleys
    They're scary, yes, I know
    Why, you could use a friend
    To protect you wherever you go
    And such a dazzling beauty
    Covered in dirt and muck
    But now your fate is changing
    Now you are in luck
    'Cause I'm the friend that you need
    When you're lost and don't know what to do
    I'm your pal, your amigo
    Lookin' out for friends like you
    And my help, you'll concede
    Is a plus guaranteed
    Just call and I'll come running
    We'll say it's agreed...
    [to Needy] Here. Tell Verko, "My place, twenty minutes." I've got something that will magically erase all my debt.
    'Cause I'm the friend you need!
    [AJ, FS, PP, and RD]He's a friend
    Rarity: Quite a friend!
    [Ponies except Twilight Sparkle]He's a friend indeed!
    Capper: Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor.
    Rarity: Ooh! A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge.
    Capper: Apologies for the state of my litter box. I wasn't expecting guests.
    Pinkie Pie: Ooh! So many fun breakables!
    Capper: Y'all sure y'all want the Hippos?
    Pinkie Pie: Yessirree! The Queen of the Hippos!
    Capper: Not like the Queen of the Lions, or Tigers, or Bears?
    Fluttershy: Oh, my!
    Toothy Klugetowner: Please! Please! I don't know anything!
    Grubber: You really think the ponieth got thith far?
    Tempest Shadow: Oh, they're here. Attention! A little purple pony passed this way. Tell me where she is...
    Grubber: ...or thumpin real bad'th gonna happen.

  • Crax
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Fish Creature: You think we're gonna fall for this again? I don't know what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but--
    Tempest Shadow: "Friends?"
    Fish Creature: Poison or no poison, you're gonna pay!
    Grubber: Ohhhh, fish-man juth got dropped!
    Tempest Shadow: Now...
    Tempest Shadow: ...about this... "Capper"...
    Capper: Stop playin' me! A sonic rainboom? That's not a real thang! Is that a real thing?
    Rainbow Dash: I'll show ya!
    Capper: Naw-naw-naw, I don't need you sonic "rainbooming" up in my place, thank you very much. Whoa, hey, hold up now.
    Rarity: Here you go. I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous.
    Capper: Okay... What's the catch?
    Rarity: Nothing. After all that you've done for us, consider it a "thank you".
    Capper: Oh. Uh, don't thank me. Really.
    Twilight Sparkle: Guys! We've been looking for the wrong queen! We don't need the Queen of the Hippos! We need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony, part eagle!
    Capper: Oh! Oh, the Hippogriffs! Now, the trouble with that is... no one knows... where they are...
    Twilight Sparkle: Says here they're on the top of Mount Aris!
    Pinkie Pie: You mean the mountain right outside the window?
    Capper: Objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear.
    Twilight Sparkle: Let's go, everypony.
    Capper: Wait! You can't—you can't make it by y'allselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride.
    Twilight Sparkle: I think we can get there on our own.
    Verko: Here's Verko!
    Verko: These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt! Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!
    Rarity: You were... You were going to sell us?
    Twilight Sparkle: I knew it! We gotta get outta here!
    Tempest Shadow: Silly little ponies.
    Twilight Sparkle: Tempest!
    Tempest Shadow: Trusting strangers? Big mistake. Big...
    Grubber: Huge!
    Verko: My goodness! Well, look at you! With your scary broken horn and scowly eyes. What tricks do you know, my little pony-wony?
    Verko: Not bad...
    Twilight Sparkle: Go! Go!
    Tempest Shadow: Get her now!
    Grubber: You oughta be thcared now, ponieth!
    Applejack: I'm... gonna... be... sick!
    Twilight Sparkle: We have to get there! To the docks! Hurry!
    Applejack: That's it.
    Applejack: Don't look down now!
    Pinkie Pie: Yay!
    Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie!
    Pinkie Pie: Best... escape... plan... ever!
    Twilight Sparkle: WHAT?!?! Thwa!
    Boyle: Did you hear something?
    Boyle: Eh, probably just the rats. If we find 'em, we'll eat 'em.
    Rarity: Rats?
    Tempest Shadow: Now... where are they going?
    Capper: Okay. No need for violence. Uh, they're headed...
    Capper: They headed east! Yeah, to... to Black Skull Island. So, uh, glad I could be of service to His Majesty, the Storm King. I'll just be on my way.
    Tempest Shadow: When I get my Princess. Until then, your fate is still... up in the air.
    Grubber: Oh, you're gonna go in the thkiff! Which ith a boat! Thpethifically, a air-boat!
    Grubber: We make a great team. I love it how you thaid hith fate wuth "up in the air", and then I thaid, "you're gonna be in the air on an air-boat!"
    Applejack: Whadaya think, Twilight? Should we just... ask 'em to take us?
    Twilight Sparkle: Last time we trusted somepony, he tried to sell us!
    Boyle: Hey, guys! Come check this out!
    Mullet: Looks like a pack of stowaways.
    Lix Spittle: What are we s'posed to do with 'em?
    Boyle: I think we tie 'em up!
    Lix Spittle: We clip their wings!
    Mullet: Nah. We scar 'em...
    Mullet: ...emotionally!
    Mullet: Wai-wai-wai-wait. What say the book, Captain Celaeno?
    Captain Celaeno: Storm King's rule book says, "Throw them overboard."
    Captain Celaeno: All right! That's lunch!
    Twilight Sparkle: What?

  • Gooddwarf
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Rainbow Dash: So you were about to toss us overboard and you stopped for a lunch break?
    Boyle: Storm King only allows one break a day for meals, then it's back to hauling goods.
    Spike: So you're delivery guys?
    Captain Celaeno: And gals. These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors.
    Twilight Sparkle: Then can you deliver us to Mount Aris?
    Captain Celaeno: Sorry. We do what the Storm King orders or we suffer his wrath.
    Twilight Sparkle: Right. Still going overboard.
    Lix Spittle: Eh, it's nothing personal. Pudding?
    Rarity: There's pudding?
    Rainbow Dash: You weren't always delivery birds, were you? What about before the Storm King?
    Captain Celaeno: Yeah. We used to be much more adventurous.
    Pinkie Pie: Ooh! I met that guy in the desert!
    Rainbow Dash: Whoa! You used to be pirates?!
    Mullet: Um, we prefer the term "swashbuckling treasure hunters".
    Rainbow Dash: So... pirates.
    Rainbow Dash: You birds have a choice to make. You could let some cloven-hoofed Storm King tell you how to live your lives, or...
    Rainbow Dash: ...you could be awesome again!
    Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, this really isn't a good time for a—
    [Rainbow Dash]I know the world can get you down
    Twilight Sparkle: —song.
    [Rainbow Dash]Things don't work out quite the way that you thought
    Feeling like all your best days are done
    Your fears and doubts are all you've got
    But there's a light shining deep inside
    Beneath those fears and doubts, so just squash 'em
    And let it shine for all the world to see
    That it is time, yeah, time to be awesome
    [Ponies]Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
    It's time to be so awesome!
    Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
    It's time to be so awesome!
    [Captain Celaeno]You've no idea how hard it's been
    [Ponies](It's time to be awesome!)
    [Captain Celaeno]This dull routine we've been forced to do
    [Rainbow Dash]Don't let them rob you of who you are
    Be awesome, it's all up to you
    [Captain Celaeno]I feel the light stirring deep inside
    It's like a tale still yet to be told
    [Ponies](It's time to be awesome!)
    [Rainbow Dash and Captain Celaeno]And now it's time to break the shackles free
    And start living like the brave and the bold!
    [All]It's time to be awesome!
    Let loose, be true, so awesome!
    It's time to be awesome!
    Go big, be you, so awesome!
    [Mullet]We used to soar through the clouds in the skies
    [Lix Spittle]Elaborate schemes we would love to devise
    [Boyle]We rescued our treasure and stored it away
    [Captain Celaeno]Saving those gemstones for a rainy day
    [All]We see that light filling up our skies
    [Rainbow Dash]So take the Storm King's orders and toss 'em
    [All]'Cause it's the time to let our colors fly
    [Captain Celaeno]Hey, scallywags, it's time to be awesome!
    Captain Celaeno: Come on! Let's show these little ponies how it's done!
    Rainbow Dash: Awesome! I knew you had it in ya! And now for the finishing touch!
    Pinkie Pie: Rainboom! Rainboom! Rainboom!
    Twilight Sparkle: No no no no no! No!
    Rainbow Dash: Aw, yeah! [laughs]
    Captain Celaeno: Wow!
    Grubber: Looka that rainbow! Looka that rainbow! Whoa, that'th so cool!
    Tempest Shadow: Yeah. Of them to alert us. Funny, though. They don't seem to be heading to Black Skull Island.
    Capper: Like "ha ha" funny or... ha ha...
    Captain Celaeno: Yeah! Ha ha!
    Rainbow Dash: Nice!
    Captain Celaeno: Storm guards! Looks like they found you!
    Twilight Sparkle: Tempest!
    Captain Celaeno: Secure the rigging! Lock down the cargo! Everyone, prepare to be boarded!
    Fluttershy: Oh my goodness!
    Rainbow Dash: Ya think she saw my sonic rainboom?
    Twilight Sparkle: Are you kidding me?!?!

  • MCOutlaw
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Tempest Shadow: Where is the Pony Princess?
    Captain Celaeno: "Princess"? Prin-Cess, Prin-Cess... Nope. All we're hauling is Storm King merchandise.
    Tempest Shadow: You do realize that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Storm King would be quite... explosive.
    Twilight Sparkle: We have to get off this ship before they tell Tempest we're here!
    Rainbow Dash: We helped them get their mojo back! They're not gonna give us up!
    Twilight Sparkle: I've got this!
    Tempest: Now, I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't tell me where they are, your ship is going down. One...
    Twilight Sparkle: Hold this!
    Rainbow Dash: What are you doing?!
    Tempest Shadow: ...two...
    Grubber: Oh, thith is inteeenth!
    Tempest Shadow: Three!
    Tempest Shadow: What?
    Rarity: Oh, for Celestia's sake!!!
    Fluttershy: I can't look!
    Applejack: What in the hay is she up to?
    Rarity: Thank goodness.
    Applejack: Quick thinkin', Twilight!
    Pinkie Pie: That was fun! Can we do it again?
    Rainbow Dash: Next stop, Mount Aris!
    Twilight Sparkle: We're home free!
    Grubber: There'th no ponieth. But I found thith. It'th a... kind of a cupcake... with thprinkleth... Oh, yeah, and I found thith, too.
    Grubber: Wow, this is a real artitht!
    Tempest Shadow: Looks like they're heading to Mount Aris.
    Capper: Really? Mou- Mount Aris? I... Well, that's my mis— I didn't know that... Mount Ari... My bad, I didn't... That's my... I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry.
    Tempest Shadow: Now, about your betrayal...
    Rarity: We had to crash the balloon at the bottom of the mountain! That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won! I'm so sorry-y-y!
    Rainbow Dash: We're almost there!
    Rarity: Will you stop saying that?!
    Rainbow Dash: No, really! We're actually here!
    Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] This is it!
    Applejack: Well, I'll be. Hippogriffs, here we come!
    Rarity: Time to rest my hooves!
    Rarity: Are we sure this is the right place?
    Applejack: Hello?! Is anypony home?!
    Pinkie Pie: No Hippogriffies here! Or here! Or here! Or here or here or here! Wait! Nope! This place is emp-ty!
    Twilight Sparkle: But... Celestia... The map. They have to be here.
    Spike: Something bad happened here. Something that turned this whole place into a ghost town.
    Fluttershy: A ghost town?!
    Twilight Sparkle: It's coming from over there!
    Princess Skystar: What was that?!
    Pinkie Pie: Hey! Wait up! Cannonball!
    Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie!
    Pinkie Pie: She's gone!
    Twilight Sparkle: Now what?
    Rarity: Oh, boy. I hate epic adventures.
    Pinkie Pie: Way to leave it to the last minute, Twilight!
    Twilight Sparkle: I didn't make these bubbles!
    Fluttershy: Then... who did?
    Twilight Sparkle: Hello? We're looking for the Hippogriffs.
    Princess Skystar: How do I know I can trust you?
    Twilight Sparkle: Please. The Storm King invaded our land. And we need their help.
    Princess Skystar: The Storm King?! I'm so glad I saved you guys! I'm totally taking you to my mom!
    Twilight Sparkle: Does your mother know where they are?
    Princess Skystar: She might have an idea!
    Princess Skystar: We're almost there!
    Mane Six and Spike: Wow!
    Princess Skystar: Mother, look what I found!
    Queen Novo: Is it another shell?
    Queen Novo: Because I am telling you if it is another shell, I am— Princess Skystar, whatta you done?! You know surface dwellers are forbidden here! Guards!
    Skystar: No no n-no! M-M-Mom, please! It is so not like that! The Storm King is trying to destroy their home, too!
    Twilight Sparkle: We need to find the Hippogriffs. Do you know what happened to them?
    Queen Novo: Well, of course I know. I'm the queen. I know everything.
    Princess Skystar: Oh, it's such a good story!
    Queen Novo: Don't you dare tell them!
    Princess Skystar: Once upon a time, like, a while ago, the Hippogriffs did live on Mount Aris.
    Queen Novo: Did I not say don't tell them? But hey, I'm just the queen. Don't mind me.

  • Midnight Specter
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Princess Skystar: Fine! I can't tell you! But if I could tell you, I'd say that that horned beast did show up to steal their magic!
    Queen Novo: Seriously?
    Princess Skystar: But, to keep it out of his clutches, their brave and majestic leader, Queen Novo, hid them deep underwater where he could never go! We are... Well, we were the Hippogriffs! But I totally did not tell you that!
    Queen Novo: Well, I guess the pearl is out the oyster now. I am Queen Novo.
    AJ: Hold on now. Lemme get this straight. When the Storm King came, you just abandoned your entire city and fled?
    Princess Skystar: We didn't flee! We swam! Y'know, in order to flee.
    Twilight Sparkle: But... how?
    Princess Skystar: Oh! Can we show them? Huh? These are the first guests we've had in, like, foreveeerrr! Can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we?
    Queen Novo: Well, I suppose I should make sure it still works.
    Queen Novo: Careful, now.
    Fluttershy: Wow!
    Rarity: These fins are divine!
    Rainbow Dash: Hey, Applejack, I'll race ya to that coral!
    Applejack: You're on!
    Pinkie Pie: Try it, Fluttershy!
    Fluttershy: Yay.
    Spike: Guys? Guys? What is... happening?!
    Fluttershy: Aw, so cute!
    Twilight Sparkle: This is amazing! With this, we could transform everypony at home into something powerful enough to face the Storm King's army!
    Queen Novo: Or it could end up in his greedy claws!
    Twilight Sparkle: But...
    Queen Novo: Honey, I'm sorry about your home. I truly am. But my responsibility is to protect my subjects. The pearl... is not going anywhere.
    Twilight Sparkle: But we've come all this way. And you can't just hide down here! Trapped forever! There's so much you're missing!
    Queen Novo: We are one hundred percent okay with that!
    Queen Novo: Yes, Jamal?
    Queen Novo: Ooh! Time for my seaweed wrap. Later, girls!
    Queen Novo: Yes, a massage, too. Mama needs her deep tissue.
    Applejack: So that's it? We left home for nothin'?
    Princess Skystar: Oh, my gosh! Best... idea! You can stay with us! Forever! There are so many things we can do! We can make friendship bracelets out of shells and... picture frames outta shells and... decorative wastebaskets out of shells... Oh, I have so many projects that involve shells, haha! Now I have someone new to share them with! I mean, aside from my friends, Shelly and Sheldon. Right? "Shelly"?
    Princess Skystar: And "Sheldon"? Get it?
    Rarity: That sounds lovely, darling, but you must realize, we can't stay.
    Applejack: We've gotta get back to our families.
    Princess Skystar: Oh, no. Of course. Of course. Heh. Of course you have your own friends back home. It's fine. It's fine. Shelly and Sheldon get jealous anyways. It's probably for the best. Yeah, I'll just... I'll get Mom to... turn you back so you can go home.
    Pinkie Pie: I know we have to go, but you guys saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Couldn't we stay for just a little longer?
    Applejack: Pinkie, we just don't have time for—
    Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no. No no. Pinkie's right.
    Rainbow Dash: Say what now?
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, we still need to come up with a plan to get back. A few minutes won't make a huge difference. And if there's anypony who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie!
    Twilight Sparkle: So, go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever!
    Pinkie Pie: I won't let you down!
    Twilight Sparkle: I'm counting on it.
    Princess Skystar: It's probably for the best.
    [Pinkie Pie]Hey, now, don't be sad
    I know we cannot stay
    But we've got a couple minutes
    And a little time to play
    [Princess Skystar]I know you have important things
    So it's okay, just go
    [Pinkie Pie]But we can still pick one small, little thing
    To do with you, y'know!
    One small thing doesn't seem like a lot
    One small thing, work with the time you've got
    Soon, one small thing becomes two
    After two, perhaps another few
    Then one small thing is not so small
    One small thing can be the biggest thing of all
    [Princess Skystar]All right now, since you're here
    Let's see what we can do

  • TeoWolf82
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Swim with the flow until you go
    Together, me and you
    [Pinkie Pie]I've got necklaces for everyfish
    So what else do ya got?
    [Princess Skystar]Well, we could play the bubblefish
    You'll like this one a lot!
    [PP and Skystar]One small thing, it's a good place to start
    [AJ, RD, Rarity, and Fluttershy](Just one small thing)
    [PP and Skystar]One small thing, and we don't seem so far apart
    [AJ, RD, Rarity, and Fluttershy](Don't seem apart)
    [All]Soon, one small thing leads to more
    It's so much more than there was before
    Just one small thing, and you will see
    The start of something big for you and me
    [Pinkie Pie]One small thing
    [Seaponies]Just one small thing
    [Princess Skystar]Or a tall thing
    [Seaponies]Just one tall thing
    [Fluttershy]Or a sing thing
    [Seaponies]Just one sing-y thing
    [Rarity]Or a bling thing
    [All]Just one bling-y thing
    [Applejack]A conga thing
    [All]Yeah, a conga thing
    [Rainbow Dash]Or a longah thing
    [Seaponies]Just one longah thing
    [Pinkie Pie]A blue thing, true thing, you thing
    [Princess Skystar]A whee thing, sea thing, me thing
    [PP and Skystar]So many things and everything until our time is done
    There's one small thing for each and everyone!
    [Princess Skystar]One small thing, so much we can create
    You and me, we started something great
    It's so amazing, look around
    At all the happy sights and sounds
    One small thing is big, it's true
    You did this all for us
    I just wish there was one small thing
    An extra special kind of thing
    [Princess Skystar and Seaponies]That we could do for you...
    One small thing!
    Queen Novo: Well, I guess there is one small thing we can do.
    Twilight Sparkle: No! Please!
    Queen Novo: All of this so you could sneak in and take the pearl?!
    Queen Novo: This is why we don't bring strangers into our home! You don't deserve to be one of us.
    Applejack: What were you thinkin'? I mean, stealin' their pearl?
    Twilight Sparkle: It was the only way to save Equestria.
    Pinkie Pie: 'Cept it wasn't! The Queen was going to say yes! We did what you told us and that's what made her realize we were ponies worth saving! Unless... You didn't really want us to show her the best time ever! You just wanted us to distract her!
    Twilight Sparkle: I never would have done it, but this isn't Equestria! We can't just dance around with con artists, make rainbooms in the sky and expect everything to work out! It's not enough! We are not enough!
    Pinkie Pie: No, Twilight! We stuck together! We were gonna get the help we needed! The only thing that stopped us... was you!
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, I'm doing the best I can! It's all on me. I'm the one Tempest wants. I'm the last Princess!
    Pinkie Pie: You're also the only one who doesn't trust her friends!
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, maybe, I would've been better off without friends like you!!!
    Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, I...
    Pinkie Pie: I just can't talk to you right now.
    Spike: Twilight? It's okay. You'll figure it out.
    Twilight Sparkle: No. I can't. I ruined everything. There's no chance to save Equestria now. It's all my fault. Spike?
    Spike: Twilight! Help!
    Twilight Sparkle: No no no no no! Noooooo!
    Spike: Twilight, help me!
    Twilight Sparkle: Spiiiiiike!!!
    Spike: Twiliiiiiight!!!
    Tempest Shadow: Aww, the "Princess of Friendship". With no friends! And no way out.
    Twilight Sparkle: Why are you doing this? You're a pony! Just like me.
    Tempest Shadow: I'm nothing like you! I'm more than you'll ever be!

  • Roxas94
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    [Tempest Shadow]It's time you learned a lesson
    It's time that you understand
    Don't ever count on anybody else
    In this or any other land
    I once hoped for friendship
    To find a place among my kind
    But those were the childish wishes
    Of someone who was blind
    Open up your eyes
    See the world from where I stand
    Me, among the mighty
    You, caged at my command
    Open up your eyes
    Give up your sweet fantasy land
    It's time to grow up and get wise
    Come now, little one, open up your eyes
    We all start out the same
    With simple naive trust
    Shielded from the many ways
    That life's not fair or just
    But then there comes a moment
    A simple truth that you must face
    If you depend on others
    You'll never find your place
    And as you take that first step
    Upon a path that's all your own
    You see it all so clearly
    The best way to survive is all alone
    Open up your eyes
    See the world from where I stand
    Me, among the mighty
    You, caged at my command
    Open up your eyes
    And behold the faded light
    It's time to grow up and get wise
    Come now, little one, open up your eyes
    Open up your eyes!
    Twilight Sparkle: I'm so sorry you felt so alone.
    Tempest Shadow: I saw the truth. My "friends" abandoned me when times got tough. Looks like I'm not the only one. Face it, Princess. Friendship has failed you, too.
    Twilight Sparkle: Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship.
    Fluttershy: This whole journey was such a mistake. All we wanted was somepony to help us.
    Applejack: Ya think, maybe it's time we talk to Twilight?
    Spike: She's! Been! Taken!!!
    Rainbow Dash: What?!
    Spike: Twilight's been taken! Tempest! She grabbed her! And took her on her ship!
    Rainbow Dash: We gotta get her back!
    Fluttershy: How? We'll never catch up!
    Applejack: And we got no way to defeat those monsters.
    Capper: Well, good thing I happen to know of a group of mighty heroes that could handle this easily!
    Rarity: Well! Look what the cat dragged in! Himself!
    Capper: These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped! I've seen them topple the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause!
    Applejack: Now don't get too excited. He's just talkin' about us.
    Capper: They even escaped certain doom at the hooves of Commander Tempest!
    Rainbow Dash: Yeah. That was pretty great.
    Captain Celaeno: Are you kidding me?! That was awesome!
    Boyle: Figured you could use a claw!
    Captain Celaeno: We're on board to help you fight the Storm King! Just not on board our... actual ship.
    Mullet: That crazy unicorn sunk it. But you got back our argh! And we're ready to kick some booty.
    Capper: Is that what I think it is?
    Princess Skystar: Hellooooooo!! Me again! I'm gonna get so grounded, but I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and they pointed out that you were just trying to help your friends.
    Princess Skystar: So I wanna help too. 'Cause ya know... one small thing... can make a really big difference!
    Spike: That's it, right? We didn't make friends with anypony else?
    Capper: All right, y'all! I think our course is clear. Y'all ready to do this thang?
    Pinkie Pie: We're coming, Twilight!
    Pinkie Pie: As soon as we think up a plan!
    [Songbird Serenade]I am here and I see your pain
    Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain
    I'm telling you you can not escape
    Twilight Sparkle: Tempest, don't do this. Don't give the Storm King—

  • Sir.Don
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Tempest Shadow: Your magic? Did you think you'd keep it all to yourself? Time to share. I'd love for everybody out there to know what I can really do.
    The Storm King: Ooh, fascinating! What can you really do?
    Grubber: Your bidding, of courth, Your Mighty One.
    The Storm King: Bidding's good. I like bidding! Um, what are you supposed to be?
    Twilight Sparkle: I'm the Princess of Friendship!
    The Storm King: Oh. That's nice. Why is this one still moving?
    Tempest Shadow: She and her friends put up a bit of a fight, but she's alone now. She won't be a problem.
    The Storm King: Yeah. So, speaking of problems, this place, it seems a little too—oh, I don't know—cute!!! I don't like cute! I never did like cute! Doesn't really go with my whole "big bad powerful magic guy" thing, does it?! Deliver the punchline, Tempest, because this has gotta be a joke!
    Twilight Sparkle: No!
    The Storm King: Check out the light show! Wow! Wow!
    The Storm King: Let's get this storm started! Ooh, hey, that's good. I should trademark that.
    The Storm King: Not bad. Actually, kinda first rate. What else does it do?
    Tempest Shadow: Your Excellency, you promised to restore my horn and giving—
    The Storm King: Okay. Hang on.
    The Storm King: You gotta be kiddin' me! I can move the sun?! A ha ha! Wow! Now this is what I'm talkin' about! Ha ha! Time to play! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Day, night! Day, night! Day night! Day night! Day night! Sunrise, sunset!
    Capper: Uh, yeah, I got a delivery here for a Mister "The Storm King". I was given explicit instructions to bring this here cake to this here castle's throne room.
    Capper: All right, then. Look here. Could one o' y'all go be a pal, go tell your boss he's not gettin' his "congratulations on subduing defenseless pastel ponies" cake? 'Cause I don't wanna be the one responsible for the big guy missin' his special dessert. You know what I'm sayin'?
    Capper: Thank you kindly, fellas. I'mma be sure and put in a good word for the botha y'all.
    Applejack: Pinkie, quit lookin' so happy! Ya ain't foolin' nopony!
    Pinkie Pie: Oh! Okay!
    Grubber: Mmm! Pie! Oh, hello, cake! Ooh! Don't mind if I do!
    Grubber: Mmm! That's some, like, gourmet ithing! Who putth eyeballth in filling? Guards!
    Capper: Uh-oh. Plan B?
    Rainbow Dash: The jig is up!
    Captain Celaeno: Come on!
    Rarity: Lovely!
    Pinkie Pie: Surprise!
    Pinkie Pie: Double surprise!!
    Fluttershy: You seem tense. Do you wanna talk about it?
    Captain Celaeno: Yeah!
    Rainbow Dash: Yeah!
    Captain Celaeno: Head for the castle! We'll hold them off!
    Rainbow Dash: Come on!
    Fluttershy: Let it all out.
    Everypony else: Fluttershy!
    Fluttershy: Oh! Sorry, our time is up. Buh-bye!
    Storm Creature: Goodbye!
    Princess Skystar: Keep going! Shelly? Sheldon?
    Storm Creature: I can't see!
    Capper: Hey, ain't you a fire-breathin' dragon?
    Tempest Shadow: What?! How?!
    Twilight Sparkle: It's... It's the Magic of...
    The Storm King: Yeah, yeah! Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and bleh! I'm so totally over the cute pony thing. This... ends... now!
    The Storm King: Yeah!
    Capper: Move them hooves, ponies!
    Rainbow Dash: You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind!
    Pinkie Pie: Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash!
    The Storm King: Now I truly am the Storm King! And the entire world will bow to my ba-ba-ba-boom, baby!
    Tempest Shadow: Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promised, Sire, now, restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you!
    The Storm King: Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn?!
    Tempest Shadow: But... we... we had an agreement!
    The Storm King: Get with the program! I used you! It's kind of what I do!
    Twilight Sparkle: Hold on!
    Tempest Shadow: Why are you saving me?
    Twilight Sparkle: Because this is what friends do.
    The Storm King: Awwww! Isn't that just so sweet! Yeah. See ya!
    Mullet: You sure about this?
    Pinkie Pie: Just do it! Thank you! I'm excited! Who's excited?! Aaah! I've never been so excited!
    Pinkie Pie: Bull's-eye!
    Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie! You all came back! I'm so sorry! I was wrong to—
    Pinkie Pie: I'm sorry, too. Friends mess up sometimes, but we never should've—

  • Barbossi (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Rainbow Dash: Uh, make up later! This isn't over!
    Twilight Sparkle: I've gotta get control of it!
    Pinkie Pie: Go! You've got this, Twilight!
    Twilight Sparkle: No. We've got this. Together.
    The Storm King: The staff belongs to me!
    The Storm King: No! That's my staff!!
    The Storm King: Miiiiiine!! Mine!!!
    Twilight Sparkle: No!
    Pinkie Pie: Twilight! Nooooooooooo!!!
    Applejack: Yee-haw! All right!
    Pinkie Pie: Group hug! [squeals]
    Tempest Shadow: Nooo!!
    Rainbow Dash: Whoa! I can't believe she did that!
    Twilight Sparkle: I can.
    Fluttershy: Now what?
    Tempest Shadow: Now... we fix everything.
    Princess Celestia: [gasps] Twilight!
    Twilight Sparkle: Princesses! Oh!
    Spike: Fillies and gentlecolts, get ready for a little...
    Spike: Songbird Serenade!
    Songbird Serenade: And now, to celebrate the fact that we're all still here in one piece, give it up for Princess Twilight and her friends!
    Code Red: All right! Way to go, guys!
    [Songbird Serenade]I know you, you're a special one
    Some see crazy where I see love
    You fall so low but shoot so high
    Big dreamers shoot for open sky
    So much life in those open eyes
    So much depth, you look for the light
    Capper: Ooh!
    Rarity: And perfection!
    [Songbird Serenade]But when your wounds open, you will cry
    Princess Skystar: Mom!
    Queen Novo: You are so grounded!
    [Songbird Serenade]You'll cry out now and you'll question why
    I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as they fall on down
    I can see your soul grow
    Through the pain as they hit the ground
    I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as the sun comes out
    As the sun comes out
    Tempest Shadow: Well, that's one thing that never changes around here. The party.
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, I hope you'll stay. More friends are definitely merrier.
    Tempest Shadow: But, um... my horn.
    Twilight Sparkle: You know, your horn is pretty powerful, just like the pony it belongs to.
    Tempest Shadow: I did tell you I wanted to show everypony in Equestria what I could do, right?
    [Songbird Serenade]I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as they fall on down
    I can see your soul grow
    Through the pain as they hit the ground
    Pinkie Pie: Nice touch, Tempest!
    Tempest Shadow: Actually, that's not my real name.
    Pinkie Pie: Oooh! What is it?!
    Tempest Shadow: It's "Fizzlepop Berrytwist".
    Pinkie Pie: Okay! That is the most awesome name ever!
    [Songbird Serenade]I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as they fall on down
    I can see your soul grow
    Through the pain as they hit the ground
    I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as the sun comes out
    As the sun comes out
    I am here and I see your pain
    Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain
    I'm telling you you can not escape
    You can do it, just feel, baby
    I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as they fall on down
    I can see your soul grow
    Through the pain as they hit the ground

  • Doctor Whooves (+sub)
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as they fall on down
    I can see your soul grow
    Through the pain as they hit the ground
    In your tears as the sun comes out
    As the sun comes out
    Here comes the sun smiling down
    Here comes the sun smiling down
    Here comes the sun smiling down
    Smiling down
    I can see a rainbow
    In your tears as they fall on down
    I can see your soul grow
    Through the pain as they hit the ground
    I can see a rainbow
    In your—
    As the sun comes out
    [Lukas Graham]So, we wanna stay
    But can't find peace while sittin' still
    I guess we never will
    We're on the way
    We won't hurry back again
    The journey is the end (oh)
    I love this very moment
    We're speedin' up, not slowin'
    We might know we can't win
    But we're dumb enough to try
    We're going, there's no maybe
    That's why they call us crazy
    And we'll say if anybody asks us
    "Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
    We're off to see the world
    We don't need to know (oh)
    "Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
    We're off to see the world
    We don't need to know
    We never need to know
    Seekin' boundaries to break
    Let's forget the ones we've made
    So we carry on
    Don't let good things pass us by
    The time we're gone will be the best time of our life
    I love this very moment
    We're speedin' up, not slowin'
    We might know we can't win
    But we're dumb enough to try
    We're going, there's no maybe
    That's why they call us crazy
    And we'll say if anybody asks us
    "Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
    We're off to see the world
    We don't need to know (oh)
    "Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
    We're off to see the world
    We don't need to know
    So go tell 'em we won't stop
    We know they can't change us
    We're gonna go way off the map
    To get ourselves back on the track
    Go tell 'em we won't stop
    We know they can't change us
    No need to worry so much
    We do whatever we want (oh)
    "Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
    We're off to see the world
    We don't need to know (oh)
    "Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
    We're off to see the world
    We don't need to know (oh)



  • Laura Scratch (Mindstorm, Laurel, Crax, Gooddwarf, MCOutlaw, Midnight)
  • Mindstorm (Laura, TeoWolf82, Roxas94, Sir.Don, Barbossi, Doctor)

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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 06/11/2017, 17:14

Pronto a tradurre
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
Fanart di Francy Sunglass
Immagine ~ by Lolly
Immagine ~ by Miri
Immagine ~ by Kage
~ by Otta
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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Laurel Crown » 06/11/2017, 17:33

Tradu-subbing, sir
Avatar e firma realizzati da JedaySkayVoker

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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 06/11/2017, 17:44

Ci sono per la traduzione
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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 06/11/2017, 21:18

Ci sono per tradurre.
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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda MC Outlaw » 11/11/2017, 22:33

Parte tradotta!
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Dov’è la Principessa Pony?
Tempest Shadow: Where is the Pony Princess?

“Principessa”? Princi-Pessa, Princi-Pessa… No. Tutto quello che trasportiamo è merce dello Storm King.
Captain Celaeno: "Princess"? Prin-Cess, Prin-Cess... Nope. All we're hauling is Storm King merchandise.

Avrete realizzato che se state dando riparo a dei fuggitivi, lo Storm King diventerà un po'… esplosivo.
Tempest Shadow: You do realize that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Storm King would be quite... explosive.

Dobbiamo andare via da questa nave prima che dicano a Tempest che siamo qui!
Twilight Sparkle: We have to get off this ship before they tell Tempest we're here!

Li abbiamo aiutati a riprendersi il loro spirito! Non ci consegneranno mai!
Rainbow Dash: We helped them get their mojo back! They're not gonna give us up!

Ce la faccio!
Twilight Sparkle: I've got this!

Adesso, conterò fino a tre, e se non mi direte dove sono, la vostra nave andrà giù. Uno...
Tempest: Now, I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't tell me where they are, your ship is going down. One…

Stringete questo!
Twilight Sparkle: Hold this!

Cosa stai facendo?!
Rainbow Dash: What are you doing?!

… due...
Tempest Shadow: ...two…

Oh, questo è intenso!
Grubber: Oh, thith is inteeenth!

Tempest Shadow: Three!

Tempest Shadow: What?

Oh, per l’amore di Celestia!!!
Rarity: Oh, for Celestia's sake!!!

Non posso guardare!
Fluttershy: I can't look!

Che cosa ha intenzione di fare?
Applejack: What in the hay is she up to?

Grazie al cielo.
Rarity: Thank goodness.

Tempismo perfetto, Twilight!
Applejack: Quick thinkin', Twilight!

È stato divertente! Possiamo rifarlo?
Pinkie Pie: That was fun! Can we do it again?

Prossima fermata, Mount Aris!
Rainbow Dash: Next stop, Mount Aris!

Siamo salve!
Twilight Sparkle: We're home free!

Non ci sono pony. Ma ho trovato questo. È una… specie di cupcake… con dei brillantini… Oh, già, ed ho trovato anche questa.
Grubber: There'th no ponieth. But I found thith. It'th a... kind of a cupcake... with thprinkleth... Oh, yeah, and I found thith, too.

Wow, questa è una vera artista!
Grubber: Wow, this is a real artitht!

Sembra che stiano andando a Mount Aris.
Tempest Shadow: Looks like they're heading to Mount Aris.

Davvero? Mou- Mount Aris? Io… beh, è stato un mio- Io non sapevo che… Mount Ari… Colpa mia, io non… Questo è mio… Mi dispiace, mi dispiace davvero davvero molto.
Capper: Really? Mou- Mount Aris? I... Well, that's my mis— I didn't know that... Mount Ari... My bad, I didn't... That's my... I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry.

Adesso, per il vostro tradimento...
Tempest Shadow: Now, about your betrayal…

Dovevamo per forza far schiantare il pallone ai piedi della montagna! Io semplicemente… non posso… starci dietro! Non ho nulla! I cattivi hanno vinto! Sono mortificata!
Rarity: We had to crash the balloon at the bottom of the mountain! That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won! I'm so sorry-y-y!

Ci siamo quasi!
Rainbow Dash: We're almost there!

Potresti smettere di dirlo?!
Rarity: Will you stop saying that?!

No, per davvero! Siamo veramente arrivati!
Rainbow Dash: No, really! We're actually here!

È questa!
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] This is it!

Beh, che mi venga. Ippogrifi, stiamo arrivando!
Applejack: Well, I'll be. Hippogriffs, here we come!

Tempo di riposarmi gli zoccoli!
Rarity: Time to rest my hooves!

Siamo sicuri che sia il posto giusto?
Rarity: Are we sure this is the right place?

Salve?! C’è qualcuno in casa?!
Applejack: Hello?! Is anypony home?!

Nessun Ippogrifo qui! O qui! O qui! O qui o qui o qui! Aspettate! No! Questo posto è vuo-to!
Pinkie Pie: No Hippogriffies here! Or here! Or here! Or here or here or here! Wait! Nope! This place is emp-ty!

Ma… Celestia… la mappa. Devono essere qui.
Twilight Sparkle: But... Celestia... The map. They have to be here.

È successo qualcosa di brutot qui. Qualcosa che ha trasformato l’intero posto in una città fantasma.
Spike: Something bad happened here. Something that turned this whole place into a ghost town.

Una città fantasma?!
Fluttershy: A ghost town?!

Viene da laggiù!
Twilight Sparkle: It's coming from over there!

Che cosa è stato?!
Princess Skystar: What was that?!

Hey! Aspetta! Palla di cannone!
Pinkie Pie: Hey! Wait up! Cannonball!

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie!

È sparita!
Pinkie Pie: She's gone!
Ora cosa c’è?
Twilight Sparkle: Now what?

Oh, ragazzi. Odio le avventure epiche.
Rarity: Oh, boy. I hate epic adventures.

Proprio fino all’ultimo minuto minuto, Twilight!
Pinkie Pie: Way to leave it to the last minute, Twilight!

Non ho fatto io queste bolle!
Twilight Sparkle: I didn't make these bubbles!

Allora… chi è stato?
Fluttershy: Then... who did?

Salve? Stiamo cercando gli Ippogrifi.
Twilight Sparkle: Hello? We're looking for the Hippogriffs.

Come faccio a sapere che posso fidarmi di voi?
Princess Skystar: How do I know I can trust you?

Ti prego. Lo Storm king ha invaso la nostra terra. Ed abbiamo bisogno del loro aiuto.
Twilight Sparkle: Please. The Storm King invaded our land. And we need their help.

Lo Storm King?! Sono davvero felice di avervi salvati! Vi porterò assolutamente da mia madre!
Princess Skystar: The Storm King?! I'm so glad I saved you guys! I'm totally taking you to my mom!

Tua madre sa dove si trovano?
Twilight Sparkle: Does your mother know where they are?

Potrebbe avere un’idea!
Princess Skystar: She might have an idea!

Siamo quasi arrivati!
Princess Skystar: We're almost there!

Mane Six and Spike: Wow!

Mamma, guarda cos’ho trovato!
Princess Skystar: Mother, look what I found!

È un’altra conchiglia?
Queen Novo: Is it another shell?

Perché ti dirò che se è un’altra conchiglia, io- Princess Skystar, che cosa hai fatto?! Lo sai che gli abitanti della superficie sono proibiti qui! Guardie!
Queen Novo: Because I am telling you if it is another shell, I am— Princess Skystar, whatta you done?! You know surface dwellers are forbidden here! Guards!

No no no! Mamma, per favore! Non è come sembra! Lo Storm King sta cercando di distruggere anche la loro casa!
Skystar: No no n-no! M-M-Mom, please! It is so not like that! The Storm King is trying to destroy their home, too!

Dobbiamo trovare gli Ippogrifi! Lei sa che cosa gli è successo?
Twilight Sparkle: We need to find the Hippogriffs. Do you know what happened to them?

Beh, certo che lo so. Sono la regina. Io so tutto.
Queen Novo: Well, of course I know. I'm the queen. I know everything.

Oh, è una così bella storia!
Princess Skystar: Oh, it's such a good story!

Non ti azzardare a raccontargliela!
Queen Novo: Don't you dare tell them!

Una volta, tipo, poco tempo fa, gli Ippogrifi vivevano su Mount Aris.
Princess Skystar: Once upon a time, like, a while ago, the Hippogriffs did live on Mount Aris.

Non ho appena detto di non raccontarla? Ma hey, sono solo la regina. Non fare caso a me.
Queen Novo: Did I not say don't tell them? But hey, I'm just the queen. Don't mind me.
One Piece of Friendship[My Little Pony X One Piece-Terminata]
Alternative Dimension[My Little Pony post-invasione/apocalisse]
Sunset's Fading [Equestria Girls]
My Little Vault [My Little Pony X Borderlands 2- Solo su EFP]
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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Roxas94 » 11/11/2017, 23:19

Codice: Seleziona tutto
è ora che tu imparari una lezione
[Tempest Shadow]It's time you learned a lesson

è ora che tu capisca
It's time that you understand

Non contare mai su nessuno
Don't ever count on anybody else

In questa o altre terre
In this or any other land

Una volta speravo nell’amizizia
I once hoped for friendship

Trovare un posto tra la mia gente
To find a place among my kind

Ma erano desideri infantili
But those were the childish wishes

Di qualcuno che era cieco
Of someone who was blind

Apri i tuoi occhi
Open up your eyes

Guarda il mondo come lo vedo io
See the world from where I stand

Io, tra i forti
Me, among the mighty

Tu, in gabbia alla mia mercé
You, caged at my command

Apri i tuoi occhi
Open up your eyes

Abbandona la tua dolce terra fantastica
Give up your sweet fantasy land

è ora di crescere e diventar saggi
It's time to grow up and get wise

Forza, piccoletta, apri i tuoi occhi
Come now, little one, open up your eyes

Iniziamo tutti allo stesso modo
We all start out the same

Con semplice ingenua fiducia
With simple naive trust

Protetti dalle molte strade
Shielded from the many ways

Dove la vita non è equa o giusta
That life's not fair or just

Ma poi viene un momento
But then there comes a moment

Una semplice verità che devi affrontare
A simple truth that you must face

Se dipendi dagli altri
If you depend on others

Non troverai mai il tuo posto
You'll never find your place

E mentre fai quel primo passo
And as you take that first step

Verso un sentiero che è tutto tuo
Upon a path that's all your own

Vedi tutto così chiaramente
You see it all so clearly

Il miglior modo per sopravvivere è da soli
The best way to survive is all alone

Apri i tuoi occhi
Open up your eyes

Guarda il mondo come lo vedo io
See the world from where I stand

Io, tra i forti
Me, among the mighty

Tu, in gabbia alla mia mercè
You, caged at my command

Apri i tuoi occhi
Open up your eyes

E ammira la luce che è sparita
And behold the faded light

è ora di crescere e diventar saggi
It's time to grow up and get wise

Forza, piccoletta, apri i tuoi occhi
Come now, little one, open up your eyes

Apri i tuoi occhi!
Open up your eyes!

Mi dispiace che tu ti sia sentita così sola.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm so sorry you felt so alone.

Ho visto la verità. I miei “amici” mi abbandonarono nei tempi duri. Sembra che io non sia la sola. Ammettilo, Principessa. L’amicizia ha deluso anche te.
Tempest Shadow: I saw the truth. My "friends" abandoned me when times got tough. Looks like I'm not the only one. Face it, Princess. Friendship has
failed you, too.

L’amicizia non mi ha deluso. Io ho deluso l’amicizia.
Twilight Sparkle: Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship.

Questo intero viaggio è stato un grande errore. Tutto quello che volevamo era solo qualcuno che ci aiutasse.
Fluttershy: This whole journey was such a mistake. All we wanted was somepony to help us.

Credete, che forse sia ora di parlare con Twilight?
Applejack: Ya think, maybe it's time we talk to Twilight?

é! Stata! Catturata!!!
Spike: She's! Been! Taken!!!

Rainbow Dash: What?!

Twilight è stata catturata! Tempest! L’ha presa! E portata sulla sua nave!
Spike: Twilight's been taken! Tempest! She grabbed her! And took her on her ship!

Dobbiamo salvarla!
Rainbow Dash: We gotta get her back!

Come? Non li raggiungeremo mai!
Fluttershy: How? We'll never catch up!

E non abbiamo i mezzi per sconfiggere quei mostri.
Applejack: And we got no way to defeat those monsters.

Beh, è un bene allora che io conosca un gruppo di prodi eroi che può gestire facilmente questa situazione!
Capper: Well, good thing I happen to know of a group of mighty heroes that could handle this easily!

Bene! Guarda un po’ cosa ha portato il gatto ! Sè stesso!
Rarity: Well! Look what the cat dragged in! Himself!

Questi eroi hanno affrontato l’armata dello Storm King e sono fuggiti! Li ho visti ribaltare le strade della città più dura, uscire dalle situazioni più dure, ed inspirare altri ad unirsi alla loro causa!
Capper: These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped! I've seen them topple the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause!

Adesso non emozionatevi troppo. Sta solo parlando di noi.
Applejack: Now don't get too excited. He's just talkin' about us.

Sono fuggiti da morte certa ad opera degli zoccoli del comandante Tempest!
Capper: They even escaped certain doom at the hooves of Commander Tempest!

Si. Quello è stato molto forte.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah. That was pretty great.

Stai scherzando?! è stato fantastico!
Captain Celaeno: Are you kidding me?! That was awesome!

Abbiamo immaginato vi servisse un artiglio!
Boyle: Figured you could use a claw!

Siamo a bordo per aiutarvi nella battaglia contro lo Storm King! Solo non a bordo della nostra... vera nave.
Captain Celaeno: We're on board to help you fight the Storm King! Just not on board our... actual ship.

Quel pazzo unicorno l’ha affondata. Ma ci avete ridato il nostro argh! E siamo pronti per calciare qualche sedere.
Mullet: That crazy unicorn sunk it. But you got back our argh! And we're ready to kick some booty.

è ciò che penso che sia?
Capper: Is that what I think it is?

Ciaooooooo!! Di nuovo io! Verrò sicuramente castigata, ma ho parlato con Shelly e Sheldon e mi hanno fatto notare che volevate solo aiutare i vostri amici.
Princess Skystar: Hellooooooo!! Me again! I'm gonna get so grounded, but I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and they pointed out that you were just trying to help your friends.

Quindi voglio aiutare anche io. Perché sapete... una piccola cosa... può davvero fare una grande differenza!
Princess Skystar: So I wanna help too. 'Cause ya know... one small thing... can make a really big difference!

Tutto qui, giusto? Non abbiamo fatto amicizia con nessun altro?
Spike: That's it, right? We didn't make friends with anypony else?

Ok, gente! Credo che il nostro percorso sia chiaro. Siete tutti pronti?
Capper: All right, y'all! I think our course is clear. Y'all ready to do this thang?

Siamo arrivando, Twilight!
Pinkie Pie: We're coming, Twilight!

Appena pensiamo ad un piano!
Pinkie Pie: As soon as we think up a plan!

Sono qui e vedo il tuo dolore
[Songbird Serenade]I am here and I see your pain

Nelle tempeste, nelle nubi, nella pioggia
Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain

Ti dico che non puoi scappare
I'm telling you you can not escape

Tempest, non farlo. Non dare allo Storm King-
Twilight Sparkle: Tempest, don't do this. Don't give the Storm King—
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Iscritto il: 31/05/2014, 19:31
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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Sir.Don » 14/11/2017, 16:44

Codice: Seleziona tutto
Tempest Shadow: Your magic? Did you think you'd keep it all to yourself? Time to share. I'd love for everybody out there to know what I can really do.
La tua magia? Pensavi l’avresti tenuta tutta per te? È l’ora di condividerla. Mi piacerebbe che tutti lì fuori sapessero che cosa posso fare.

The Storm King: Ooh, fascinating! What can you really do?
Ooh, affascinante! Cos’è che puoi fare?

Grubber: Your bidding, of courth, Your Mighty One.
La tua offerta, certamente, Vostra Potenza.

The Storm King: Bidding's good. I like bidding! Um, what are you supposed to be?
L’offerta è buona. Mi piacciono le offerte! Cosa saresti?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm the Princess of Friendship!
Sono la Principessa dell’Amicizia!

The Storm King: Oh. That's nice. Why is this one still moving?
Molto bene. Perché questa si muove ancora?

Tempest Shadow: She and her friends put up a bit of a fight, but she's alone now. She won't be a problem.
Lei e i suoi amici hanno lottato un po’, ma è sola adaesso. Non sarà un problema.

The Storm King: Yeah. So, speaking of problems, this place, it seems a little too—oh, I don't know—cute!!! I don't like cute! I never did like cute! Doesn't really go with my whole "big bad powerful magic guy" thing, does it?! Deliver the punchline, Tempest, because this has gotta be a joke!
Sì. Allora, a proposito di problemi, questo posto, mi sembra un po’ troppo-oh, non lo so-carino!!! Non mi piacciono le cose carine! Non l’ho mai voluto carino! Non si abbina con tutte le cose tipo “tizio magico grande cattivo e potente” no?! Passami la battuta, tempest, perché questo sarà uno scherzo!

Twilight Sparkle: No!

The Storm King: Check out the light show! Wow! Wow!
Guardate il gioco di luci!

The Storm King: Let's get this storm started! Ooh, hey, that's good. I should trademark that.
Facciamo iniziare la tempesta! Mi piace. Dovrei farla registrare.

The Storm King: Not bad. Actually, kinda first rate. What else does it do?
Non male. In effetti, di prima qualità. Cos’altro fa?

Tempest Shadow: Your Excellency, you promised to restore my horn and giving—
Vostra eccellenza, avete promesso di rimettermi il corno e di darmi-

The Storm King: Okay. Hang on.
OK. Aspetta.

The Storm King: You gotta be kiddin' me! I can move the sun?! A ha ha! Wow! Now this is what I'm talkin' about! Ha ha! Time to play! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Day, night! Day, night! Day night! Day night! Day night! Sunrise, sunset!
Mi prendi in giro! Posso muovere il sole?! Ora sì che si ragiona! Tempo di giocare! Martedì, mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì! Giorno, notte! Giorno, notte! Giorno, notte! Giorno, notte! Giorno, notte! Alba, tramonto!

Capper: Uh, yeah, I got a delivery here for a Mister "The Storm King". I was given explicit instructions to bring this here cake to this here castle's throne room.
Sì, ho una consegna qui per il signor “Storm King”. Ho avuto il preciso ordine di portare questa torta nella sala del trono di questo castello.

Capper: All right, then. Look here. Could one o' y'all go be a pal, go tell your boss he's not gettin' his "congratulations on subduing defenseless pastel ponies" cake? 'Cause I don't wanna be the one responsible for the big guy missin' his special dessert. You know what I'm sayin'?
Va bene, allora. Sentite qui. Uno di voi due amici, potrebbe andare a dire al capo che non riceverà la sua torta di “congratulazioni per aver sottomesso dei pony colorati indifesi”? Perché non voglio essere il responsabile per la persona che si perderà il dessert speciale. Sapete cosa intendo?

Capper: Thank you kindly, fellas. I'mma be sure and put in a good word for the botha y'all.
Grazie, gentili amici. Metterò una buona parola per di voi.

Applejack: Pinkie, quit lookin' so happy! Ya ain't foolin' nopony!
Pinkie, smettila di sembrare così felice! Non ingannerai nessuno!

Pinkie Pie: Oh! Okay!

Grubber: Mmm! Pie! Oh, hello, cake! Ooh! Don't mind if I do!
Torta! Ciao, torta! Non ti dispiace se mi servo!

Grubber: Mmm! That's some, like, gourmet ithing! Who putth eyeballth in filling? Guards!
C’è un qualche, tipo, una cosa di gourmet! Chi mette bulbi oculari nel ripieno? Guardie!

Capper: Uh-oh. Plan B?
Piano B?

Rainbow Dash: The jig is up!
La festa è finita! (o copertura saltata)

Captain Celaeno: Come on!

Rarity: Lovely!

Pinkie Pie: Surprise!

Pinkie Pie: Double surprise!!
Doppia sorpresa!

Fluttershy: You seem tense. Do you wanna talk about it?
Sembri teso. Vuoi parlarne?

Captain Celaeno: Yeah!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah!

Captain Celaeno: Head for the castle! We'll hold them off!
Andate al castello! Li terremo occupati!

Rainbow Dash: Come on!

Fluttershy: Let it all out.
Lasciati andare.

Everypony else: Fluttershy!

Fluttershy: Oh! Sorry, our time is up. Buh-bye!
Scusa, è finito il tempo. Cia-ciao!

Storm Creature: Goodbye!

Princess Skystar: Keep going! Shelly? Sheldon?
Continuate così! Shelly? Sheldon?

Storm Creature: I can't see!
Non vedo niente!

Capper: Hey, ain't you a fire-breathin' dragon?
Hey, non sei un drago sputafuoco?

Tempest Shadow: What?! How?!
Cosa?! Come?!

Twilight Sparkle: It's... It's the Magic of...
È… è la Magia del…

The Storm King: Yeah, yeah! Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and bleh! I'm so totally over the cute pony thing. This... ends... now!
Sì, sì! Amicizia, e fiori, e pony, e bleh! Ho chiuso con tutte queste cose da pony carini. Finisce… Adesso!

The Storm King: Yeah!

Capper: Move them hooves, ponies!
Muovete gli zoccoli, pony!

Rainbow Dash: You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind!
Dovresti volare più veloce di un Pegaso per attraversare quel vento!

Pinkie Pie: Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash!
Idea eccellente, Rainbow Dash!

The Storm King: Now I truly am the Storm King! And the entire world will bow to my ba-ba-ba-boom, baby!
Ora, io sono davvero Storm King! (mettere la nota re della tempesta?)! E il mondo intero si inchinerà a me! (boom baby va messo?)

Tempest Shadow: Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promised, Sire, now, restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you!
Sì, sì, sei potente come ti ho promesso, Sire, ora, ridammi il corno e giuro che userò la mia magia per servirti!

The Storm King: Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn?!
Chi se ne frega del tuo cornetto da unicorno?!

Tempest Shadow: But... we... we had an agreement!
Ma… noi… avevamo un accordo!

The Storm King: Get with the program! I used you! It's kind of what I do!
Era nel programma! Ti ho usata! È il genere di cose che faccio!

Twilight Sparkle: Hold on!

Tempest Shadow: Why are you saving me?
Perché mi stai salvando?

Twilight Sparkle: Because this is what friends do.
Perché è quello che fanno gli amici.

The Storm King: Awwww! Isn't that just so sweet! Yeah. See ya!
Non è dolce? Sì. Ci vediamo!

Mullet: You sure about this?
Sei sicur di questo?

Pinkie Pie: Just do it! Thank you! I'm excited! Who's excited?! Aaah! I've never been so excited!
Fallo e basta! Grazie! Sono entusiasta! Chi è entusiasta?! Non sono mai stata così entusiasta!

Pinkie Pie: Bull's-eye!
Bersaglio colpito!

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie! You all came back! I'm so sorry! I was wrong to—
Pinkie! Siete tornati tutti! Mi dispiace molto! Avevo torto su-
Pinkie Pie: I'm sorry, too. Friends mess up sometimes, but we never should've—
Dispiace anche a me. Gli amici litigano a volte, ma non avremmo mai dovuto-

Dylan Dog pony sotto spoiler

Grazie mille a Crimson-Pencil
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Iscritto il: 12/03/2013, 17:37
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Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Gooddwarf » 14/11/2017, 18:19

consegno. Non sarà eccelso, ma sono certo che lauro ha fatto QC ben peggiori
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Quindi stavi per buttarci in mare e ti sei fermato per la pausa pranzo?
Storm King ci concede solo una pausa al giorno per i pasti, poi si torna ad trasportare merci {n.d.t. non ho visto il film, ma se non erro parla di pirati, e se non erro "hauling goods" può anche stare per "arraffare bottino"}
Quindi siete ragazzi delle consegne? (fattorini/e, postini/e)
E ragazze. Queste uniformi non sono molto d'aiuto. (nel riconoscere il sesso obv. Non so quanto si possa capire dal contesto/intonazione questa cosa)
Quindi potete portarci al Monte Aris?
Mi dispiace. Facciamo quello che ordina Storm King o subiremo la sua ira.
Perfetto. Stiamo di nuovo per essere buttati in mare.
Eh, niente di personale. Pudding?
C'è del pudding?
Non siete sempre stati uccelli delle consegne (fattorini/postini, as above), vero? Cosa facevate prima (dell'arrivo) di Storm King?
Già. Una volta eravamo molto più avventurosi.
Ooh! Ho incontrato quel tipo nel deserto!
Whoa! Eravate pirati?!
Um, preferiamo il termine "spavaldi cacciatori di tesori".
Quindi... pirati.
Voi birdi dovete fare una scelta. Potete lasciarvi dire da questo zoccolo fesso (WR dice così, controllate voi pls) di uno Storm King come vivere le vostre vite, oppure...
... potete essere fantastici di nuovo!
Rainbow Dash, questo non è davvero il momento per una-
Lo so che il mondo può deluderti
Le cose non vanno come pensavi
Ti senti come se tutti i giorni migliori siano già passati
Le paure e i dubbi sono tutto quello che hai
Ma c'è una luce che splende nel profondo
Sotto a queste paure e dubbi, quindi schiacciali
E lascia che splenda e che il mondo possa vedere
Che è ora, yeah, ora di essere fantastici
Ah, ah, ah-ah, fantastici!
È ora di essere fantastici!
Ah, ah, ah-ah, fantastici!
È ora di essere fantastici!
Non hai (avete) idea di quanto sia stato difficile
(È ora di essere fantastici!)
Questa monotona routine a cui siamo stati costretti
Non lasciare che vi derubino di ciò che siete
Sii fantastica, sta solo a te (suppongo sia rivolta al capitano, se è plurale correggete di conseguenza)
Sento la luce che mi esalta nel profondo
È come una storia ancora da raccontare
È ora di essere fantastici!
E adesso è ora di rompere le manette
E cominciare a vivere da coraggiosi e audaci!
È ora di essere fantastici!
Lasciati andare, sii sincero (tecnicamente, sarebbe un "coerente", non deviato, integro), così fantastico! (mettere al plurale se serve)
È ora di essere fantastici!
Punta in alto, sii te stesso, così fantastico!
Una volta ci libravamo tra le nubi dei cieli
Piani elaborati adoravamo escogitare (la frase è così a rovescio anche in eng)
Recuperavamo il nostro tesoro e lo depositavamo
Risparmiando quelle gemme per una giornata piovosa
vediamo quella luce riempire i nostri cieli
E allora prendete gli ordini di Storm King e buttateli via
Perché è il momento di far volare i nostri colori
Hey, mascalzoni, è ora di essere fantastici!
Andiamo! Mostriamo a questi piccoli pony come si fa!
Fantastico! Sapevo che ce l'avresti fatta! (non ho idee migliori, sorry ^^') E ora il tocco finale!
Rainboom! Rainboom! Rainboom!
No no no no no! No!
Aw yeah!
Guarda quell'arcobaleno! Guarda quell'arcobaleno! Whoa, è così carino!
Già. (carino) Da parte loro di avvertirci. Comunque è buffo. Non sembrano diretti all'Isola del Teschio Nero.
Buffo tipo "ha ha" o... ha ha...
Yeah! Ha ha!
Guardie della tempesta! Sembra che ti abbiano trovato!
Assicurate le cime! Bloccate il carico! Preparatevi ad essere abbordati!
Oh cielo!
Pensi che abbia visto il mio sonic rainboom?
Ma mi stai prendendo in giro?!?!
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Iscritto il: 22/12/2015, 23:50
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Pony preferito: Fluttershy
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Coordinamento] MLP: THE MOVIE

Messaggioda Midnight Specter » 15/11/2017, 21:29

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Va bene! Non posso dirvelo! Ma se avessi potuto, avrei detto che quella bestia cornuta è venuta per rubare la loro magia!
Princess Skystar: Fine! I can't tell you! But if I could tell you, I'd say that that horned beast did show up to steal their magic!

Queen Novo: Seriously?

Così, per tenerla lontana dalle sue grinfie, il loro maestoso e coraggioso leader, la regina Novo, li fece nascondere sott'acqua dove lui non sarebbe potuto andare! Noi siamo... Beh, eravamo, gli ippogrifi! Ma io non vi ho mai detto nulla!
Princess Skystar: But, to keep it out of his clutches, their brave and majestic leader, Queen Novo, hid them deep underwater where he could never go! We are... Well, we were the Hippogriffs! But I totally did not tell you that!

Beh, credo che la perla sia uscita dall'ostrica ormai, io sono la regina Novo.
Queen Novo: Well, I guess the pearl is out the oyster now. I am Queen Novo.

Aspetta un attimo. Fammi capire bene, Quando lo Storm King è arrivato, avete semplicemente abbandonato la vostra intera città e siete scappati?
AJ: Hold on now. Lemme get this straight. When the Storm King came, you just abandoned your entire city and fled?

Non siamo scappati! Abbiamo nuotato! Sai, in modo da poter scappare.
Princess Skystar: We didn't flee! We swam! Y'know, in order to flee.

Ma... come?
Twilight Sparkle: But... how?

Oh! Possiamo farlo vedere loro? Huh? Questi sono i primi ospiti che abbiamo da, tipo, un'eternità! Possiamo, possiamo, possiamo, possiamo, possiamo, possiamo, possiamo, possiamo, possiamo?
Princess Skystar: Oh! Can we show them? Huh? These are the first guests we've had in, like, foreveeerrr! Can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we, can we?

Beh, suppongo di dovermi assicurare che funzioni ancora.
Queen Novo: Well, I suppose I should make sure it still works.

Fate attenzione.
Queen Novo: Careful, now.

Fluttershy: Wow!

Queste pinne sono divine!
Rarity: These fins are divine!

Hey, Applejack, facciamo una gara fino a quel corallo!
Rainbow Dash: Hey, Applejack, I'll race ya to that coral!

Ci sto!
Applejack: You're on!

Prova, Fluttershy!
Pinkie Pie: Try it, Fluttershy!

Fluttershy: Yay.

Gente? Gente? Che sta... accadendo?!
Spike: Guys? Guys? What is... happening?!

Aw, così carino!
Fluttershy: Aw, so cute!

È incredibile! Con questo potremmo trasformare ogni pony ad Equestria in qualcosa di abbastanza potente da affrontare le truppe dello Storm King!
Twilight Sparkle: This is amazing! With this, we could transform everypony at home into something powerful enough to face the Storm King's army!

O potrebbe finire tra i suoi artigli avari!
Queen Novo: Or it could end up in his greedy claws!

Twilight Sparkle: But...

Dolcezza, mi dispiace davvero per la vostra casa. Sul serio. Ma la responsabilità è proteggere i miei sudditi. La perla... non andrà da nessuna parte.
Queen Novo: Honey, I'm sorry about your home. I truly am. But my responsibility is to protect my subjects. The pearl... is not going anywhere.

Ma abbiamo fatto tutta questa strada. E voi non potete nascondervi qua sotto! Intrappolati per sempre! Vi state perdendo così tanto!
Twilight Sparkle: But we've come all this way. And you can't just hide down here! Trapped forever! There's so much you're missing!

Noi siamo soddisfatti al 100% di questa scelta!
Queen Novo: We are one hundred percent okay with that!

Sì, Jamal?
Queen Novo: Yes, Jamal?

Ooh! È l'ora del mio rotolo di alghe, A dopo, ragazze!
Queen Novo: Ooh! Time for my seaweed wrap. Later, girls!

Sì, anche un massaggio. Mama ha bisogno del suo massaggio profondo.
Queen Novo: Yes, a massage, too. Mama needs her deep tissue.

Quindi è così? Abbiamo lasciato casa per nulla?
Applejack: So that's it? We left home for nothin'?

Oh, mio Dio! La migliore... idea! Potete stare con noi! Per sempre! Ci sono così tante cose che possiamo fare! Possiamo fare dei braccialetti dell'amicizia usando le conchiglie e... cornici di conchiglie e... cestini decorativi di conchiglie.. Oh, ho così tante idee riguardanti le conchiglie, haha! Adesso ho qualcuno di nuovo con cui condividerle! Voglio dire, al di là dei miei amici, Shelly e Sheldon. Vero? "Shelly"?
Princess Skystar: Oh, my gosh! Best... idea! You can stay with us! Forever! There are so many things we can do! We can make friendship bracelets out of shells and... picture frames outta shells and... decorative wastebaskets out of shells... Oh, I have so many projects that involve shells, haha! Now I have someone new to share them with! I mean, aside from my friends, Shelly and Sheldon. Right? "Shelly"?

E "Sheldon"? Capito?
Princess Skystar: And "Sheldon"? Get it?

Suona delizioso, cara, ma devi capire, che non possiamo restare.
Rarity: That sounds lovely, darling, but you must realize, we can't stay.

Dobbiamo tornare dalle nostre famiglie.
Applejack: We've gotta get back to our families.

Oh, no. Certamente. Certamente. Heh. Certamente avrete i vostri amici che vi aspettano a casa. Va bene. Va benissimo. Shelly e Sheldon sono molto gelosi comunque. Probabilmente è meglio così. Già, devo solo... Chiedere a mamma... di farvi tornare normali così potrete andare.
Princess Skystar: Oh, no. Of course. Of course. Heh. Of course you have your own friends back home. It's fine. It's fine. Shelly and Sheldon get jealous anyways. It's probably for the best. Yeah, I'll just... I'll get Mom to... turn you back so you can go home.

So che dovremmo andare, ma anche voi avete visto quanto era delusa la principessa Skystar. Non potremmo stare soltanto un pochino in più?
Pinkie Pie: I know we have to go, but you guys saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Couldn't we stay for just a little longer?

Pinkie, non abbiamo il tempo per
Applejack: Pinkie, we just don't have time for—

Oh, no. No no. Pinkie ha ragione.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no. No no. Pinkie's right.

Cosa hai detto?
Rainbow Dash: Say what now?

Beh, dobbiamo ancora pensare ad un piano per tornare indietro. Qualche minuto in più non farà alcuna differenza. E se c'è un pony che può condensare un'intera vita di divertimento in un solo battito di ciglia, è Pinkie Pie!
Twilight Sparkle: Well, we still need to come up with a plan to get back. A few minutes won't make a huge difference. And if there's anypony who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie!

Quindi, muoviti e da a Skystar i migliori momenti della sua vita!
Twilight Sparkle: So, go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever!

Non ti deluderò!
Pinkie Pie: I won't let you down!

Ci conto.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm counting on it.

Forse è meglio così.
Princess Skystar: It's probably for the best.

Hey, dai, non essere triste
[Pinkie Pie]Hey, now, don't be sad

So che non possiamo restare
I know we cannot stay

Ma abbiamo un paio di minuti
But we've got a couple minutes

E qualcosa in più per giocare
And a little time to play

So che avete cose importanti da fare
[Princess Skystar]I know you have important things

Quindi è tutto a posto, andate
So it's okay, just go

Ma possiamo ancora decidere una piccola, minuscola cosa
[Pinkie Pie]But we can still pick one small, little thing

Da fare insieme, sai!
To do with you, y'know!

Una piccola cosa non sembra essere molto
One small thing doesn't seem like a lot

Una piccola cosa, falla rientrare nel tempo che hai
One small thing, work with the time you've got

Presto, una piccola cosa diventeranno due
Soon, one small thing becomes two

Dopo due, probabilmente altre ancora
After two, perhaps another few

Poi una piccola cosa non è così piccola
Then one small thing is not so small

Una piccola cosa può diventare la più grande di tutte
One small thing can be the biggest thing of all

Va bene, dato che siete qui
[Princess Skystar]All right now, since you're here

Vediamo cosa possiamo fare
Let's see what we can do
Avatar utente
Midnight Specter
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 88
Iscritto il: 12/10/2015, 2:34
Località: Biella, Italia
Pony preferito: Starlight/Luna
Sesso: Maschio


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