Edited to include pictures and less grammar errors!
This is an Italian board, hence everything's written in our native language: Italian!
This might intimidate some of you in need of contacting us.
Fear not, our friends! This little guide will help you through the whole registration process. First, on the top-right corner of the forum, look for the button:
Iscriviti (REGISTER)
As shown in this image:
With that you can start the whole registration process. You will be brought to the following screen:
Here you can read the terms of use about the forum. Here however I must make a note. It is possible that after changing the language to "British English", that you will get an error page after accepting the terms of use. In case this happens, the rest of this guide will help you through the registration page in Italian.
So if you got the page with the error message go back and change the language to Italian. Click "Acceto queste condizioni d'uso" as highlighted in the previous image. You will now be brought to this screen:
Note that your email address must be valid as you will receive an email to confirm your account. Also favorite pony is required.
Don't forget the obnoxious captcha field:
Just type in the red letters and hit "Invia". After this point you should get an email from the forum. There should be a link that you can click and once you do that you should be good to go!
Enjoy your stay here, and have fun
Taliesin + ALittlePwning