[Test] Quanto sei brony?

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[Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda SmakkoHooves » 04/07/2012, 19:04

Ho trovato questo test per Sapere la vostra Bronosita':
Il link ormai porta a pagine sospette, rip quiz

Fatelo e postate il risultato.


il Mio Risultato:
You got 392 of 500 possible points. Your score: 78 % Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Purtroppo e' solo in inglese se ci fosse anche in italiano sarebbe ottimo. :20percentcooler:
Qualcuno del forum qui e' in grado di tradurlo o farne una versione in italiano, magari da integrare nel forum?
Ultima modifica di SmakkoHooves il 05/07/2012, 12:56, modificato 3 volte in totale.
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Crystal Pony
Crystal Pony
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Località: Padova (Veneto)
Pony preferito: Pinkie,AppleJ
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Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda Big Macintosh » 04/07/2012, 20:32

You got 340 of 500 possible points.Your score: 68 %
Fully approved brony
It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Le domande sulla serie le sapevo quasi tutte (ho sbagliato solo 3 domande), quello che mi ha fatto prendere così poco erano le domande non inerenti allo show
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Big Macintosh
Puledro / Puledra
Puledro / Puledra
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Iscritto il: 14/06/2012, 16:48
Pony preferito: Tutti
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda thefrecciablu » 04/07/2012, 21:11

You got 431 of 500 possible points.

Your score: 86 %


You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!

LIKE A BOSS :20percentcooler:

ho visto la serie talmente tante volte che ormai la conosco a memoria :pazza:
l'unica cosa che mi ha fregato era la parte di oggetti ponosy in casa
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Fruit Bat
Fruit Bat
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Iscritto il: 22/04/2012, 23:49
Località: Colleverde
Pony preferito: Tutti
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda Ardas_ » 04/07/2012, 21:27

You got 413 of 500 possible points.Your score: 83 %

You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!

Vabbe dai, danno un sacco di punti per domande tipo "Come invia Spike le lettere a Celestia" o "Quali sono gli elementi associati alle protagoniste" :lol:


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Crystal Pony
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Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda SM853 » 04/07/2012, 21:45

You got 375 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 75 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.


Avrei pensato di ottenere un punteggio più alto. :20percentcooler:
Tuttavia, timidezza e paura per le conseguenze mi hanno abbassato il punteggio non di poco.
~I'm so S-M-R-T!~
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Rainbow Pony
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Località: Mercurio
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Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda Big Jackintosh » 04/07/2012, 22:14

386 punti su 500.
Brony al 77%.
Si può fare di più. :asd:
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Big Jackintosh
Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 18:45
Località: Puglia
Pony preferito: Twilight Sparkle
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda RealityCheck » 04/07/2012, 22:17

You got 349 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 70 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Ci credo poco in queste cose, innanzitutto è difficile ricordare certi dettagli (per esempio quella dei Pinkie senses), poi cosa vorrebbe dire che il fatto che non scrivo fanfictions mi faccia prendere 0/11 punti?
Alla fine penso che non esistano brony di serie A o brony di serie B, c'è chi conosce vita morte e miracoli di chiunque appartenente allo staff e al fandom e c'è chi segue semplicemente lo show e magari ascolta ogni tanto qualche canzone di artisti brony, guarda qualche fanart e da un'occhiata a equestria daily, alla fine ognuno è attaccato allo show a modo suo ;)

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Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Iscritto il: 07/01/2012, 19:06
Pony preferito: Fra
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda Long0 TEB » 04/07/2012, 22:20

392 su 500

mah... :triste:
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Long0 TEB
Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
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Località: Bergamo
Pony preferito: Inkie Pie, Maude Pie
Sesso: Maschio

Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda akay » 04/07/2012, 22:48

Lol 80% evviva non sapevo di essere brony xD :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Ursa Major
Ursa Major
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Iscritto il: 08/11/2011, 7:09
Pony preferito: rainbow dash
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Re: [Test] Quanto sei brony?

Messaggioda Xary » 04/07/2012, 23:12

You got 384 of 500 possible points.Your score: 77 %
Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.
Il coraggio è la capacità di trasformare la paura in energia-PK
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Rainbow Pony
Rainbow Pony
Status: Offline
Messaggi: 2896
Iscritto il: 04/03/2012, 15:27
Pony preferito: Twilight Sparkle
Sesso: Maschio


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