This thread is for all those who come to the forum wanting to introduce themselves (like you. Yes you). I'll go first:
I'm an American from California and a (recent) college graduate in Computer Science. I like card games (MtG is one of my new favorites), cartoons, soccer (playing moreso than watching), and drawing (which I'm awful at ). I can speak Italian fairly well and I know a little bit of German, but my High School years of Spanish pretty much boil down to knowing how to say "hola" and "carne asada" (which is pretty nice to know when you are hungry)
I also have a little bit of college debt and my new apartment doesn't have any furniture . For anyone interested in some of the coding/programming that I have done (which isn't that much), here is a link to my github page
I've already been a member of the forum for a while and the community here is pretty great, so I hope all of you enjoy your time here. Now, introduce yourselves, so I can say "hi" and stuff. Welcome!